Previous Faculty Projects

June 2019May 2019June 2018May 2018June 2017May 2017June 2016May 2016June 2015May 2015June 2014May 2014June 2013May 2013August 2012May 2012
SITETL June 2019
Mary Boyington - College of Arts and Sciences

How to incorporate technology in my teaching and keep students engaged in different writing projects. In addition, I’m hoping to share materials from the conference with my teaching colleagues at the Syracuse Strasbourg Center.

Meghan Callahan - College of Arts and Science

I would like to learn how to help our professors (and myself) use technology in a more productive way for study abroad. I am also very interested personally in digital humanities and attended a Day of Digital Learning at the Renaissance Society of America annual meeting in March. We worked on mapping and data visualization for network analysis. I’d like to incorporate this in my own class, and also be able to learn about online teaching.

Ari Chakraborty - College of Arts and Sciences

I would like to learn about how to make effective instructional and interactive videos that the students can watch and learn from before coming to the class. I would like to develop a set of course-specific activities that the students can do as a group. I would like to develop a plan for weekly or biweekly assessment and feedback which will allow me to optimize the course for maximum benefit to the students.

Susan Coots - David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Currently students in CFS 388 write an opinion essay as part of their course work.  I would like to shift this assignment to one that involves using social media to explore a topic related to Human Sexuality.  Maybe asking students to create podcasts on selected topics. I also would like to better understand how to use blogging in the class as a means of participation. I need to know how to use these technologies in order to use the in my teaching!

Emily Dressing - College of Arts and Science

I’d like to know more about tools, programs, and other options for incorporating technology into the online course in order to maximize the online setting and provide students with the best experience possible. This includes options available for grading and offering feedback in online settings. I‚Äôd also like to know more about workplace resources and technologies that I can show students to help them maximize their communications and productivity when they work in various settings.

Myrna Garcia-Calderon - College of Arts and Science

Due to the nature of my course, I seek to develop a series of background materials that will allow my students to be  introduced to a number of learning materials, facts and information before class. Online materials for each class unit will include maps, biographies, historical materials, art, film clips and brief interviews.  I am interested in learning how to better incorporate open educational sources that are freely accessible, openly licensed text, media, and other digital assets that are useful for teaching, learning, and assessing as well as for research purposes. with classroom time then being used to deepen understanding through discussion with peers and problem-solving activities facilitated.

Petra Hejnova - SU Abroad
Jessica MacDonald - College of Arts and Sciences

To accommodate an increasing enrollment in my seminar course on the Epigenetics of Human Health & Disease, I would like to enhance my use of technology. In particular, I propose to develop online material for the students to access prior to each class, providing background information and context for the research articles that we study in the class. This would allow more of the in-class time to be used for both small group and class discussions. To enhance class discussions and to provide an alternative format for discussions as well as for students to ask questions, I propose to establish online discussion forums. In addition, I am interested in developing interactive online writing assignments that would incorporate both peer-based assessments and effective, efficient, instructor feedback.

Joanna Spitzner - College of Visual and Performing Arts
Ramani Voleti - College of Arts and Sciences

(1)  to create on-line patient-simulation activities and

(2)  to use Blackboard tools (or other programs I may not be familiar with) to have students label anatomical drawings and or CT/MRI scans.

(3)  to enhance student learning in clinic and classroom

Rick Welsh -David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamic

How to move material on-line so I can offer one meeting per week to asynchronous on-line for a new course: FST 300, Climate Change and the Food System. This is a new course to be offered in Fall 2019 for the first time. Ultimately, I am planning to offer other food studies courses on-line and hope to offer an on-line certificate of advanced studies.

Julia White - School of Education

I teach a cross listed course that has a large number (35+) and range of students, from freshmen to doctoral students. The School of Education has flagged this course as an appropriate one to migrate to a fully online platform. I think this would be a good class to teach online, but there are some structural challenges inherent in this. When teaching this course face-to-face, I have noted the challenge of meaningful participation in class, in delivering the course in ways that are challenging enough, but not too challenging, for freshmen, while being challenging for doctoral students. Some of the course content is not “new” to more advanced students, but all of the course content is “new” to some students, so I need to bridge the different levels of knowledge that students bring to the course and find ways for each student to meaningfully engage in the content.

This is a course that at some times challenges the world views of some students. For example, we engage in a critique of dominant narratives about western education, the global proliferation of English, and the impact of globalization, including a standardized view of education, on formerly colonized nations, ideas with which some students have difficulty engaging. I want to (1) expand the ways that students grapple with these ideas, (2) give students the space and tools to interact and engage with the ideas, assumptions, and worldviews presented in this course, and (3) use creative and dynamic ways to design the course to maximize student engagement and participation.

Amalia Yrizar - Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs

Explore new teaching methodologies such as:

* Selecting the right tool for the task

*Exemplary course design in Blackboard

*Supporting active learning with technology

*Technologies to support student-to-student collaboration

Bob Vallier - SU Abroad
SITETL May 2019
Carol Babiracki - College of Arts and Sciences

I have two options in mind for this SITETL session that could help me acquire some basic skills:

Option 1.  I produce a video-blog analysis of a music and dance scene from the Bollywood film “Dil Se”.  I assume that such an analysis, involving a small clip from the film and intended for classroom use only, would fall under the fair-use doctrine of copyright law.  This is the option that would most benefit students in the fall course.

Option 2.  As an alternative, I could do the same project using my own field research materials collected in India (audio interviews, video clips, still photographs, and my own narrative).  I would incorporate this finished product, about the life and songs of a folk musician, in other courses (such as “Music and Dance in India”), while learning through the process how to construct such a project for the Bollywood course.

Lyndsay Gratch - College of Visual and Performing Arts

I would like to work on digital content (specifically a video lecture or similar style of content) that can be used for classes that overlap. While I have not yet identified the best topic to address, I have narrowed the possible topics down to: A. Understanding the rhetorical force, movement, and cultural problematics of the internet meme; B. Copyright, Creative Commons, and Fair Use Online; C. A (whirlwind) history of digital and video performances of activism.

Currently I am leaning toward topic A., as I have done extensive research on this topic and my Performance Studies students just took on a group project where they were asked to analyze a meme. The students were able to point out racist, homophobic, and otherwise problematic meme trends, but were not willing (or possibly able) to discuss the problem in a way that went any further than scratching the surface. Additionally, several groups chose memes that were (to me, quite obviously) appropriating/borrowing culturally from repressed groups (e.g. trans women/men, LGBT communities, and NYC club culture of the late 1980s) or memes that used cartoons to avoid discourse about race, but still incorporated slang and/or negatively stereotyped “black” language use. These students did not put in the historical work/research to understand how their chosen meme might be offensive to certain peoples/groups, or how their interpretation of the meme was an additional step in the erasure of the experiences of marginalized cultures.

Finally, if there is time, I am very interested in learning how to better incorporate technology into class sessions in a way that is generative and not distracting. In this area I am open to any and all ideas and suggestions.

James Hewett - College of Arts and Sciences
Brad Horn - The Newhouse School

PRL 215 is a course focused on digital media skills to enhance the capabilities of the public relations practitioner, from writing to creative presentation. Over the duration of the semester, students are charged with lead discussion responsibilities to address a topic within the textbook. Conceptual discussions – usually presented with visual assistance from Power Point or Spark – then lead to tactical assignments completed out of class.

With the benefit of the Summer Institute, it would be my hope to take each of these “discussion-based” presentations and flip them into experiences outside of class time, that allow for further co-creation and collaboration between students and with instructor input, during class meeting sessions. Believing that the course has the ability to more closely align with technologies that help working professionals work remote and connect in teams, the hope would be to create a stronger empowerment for students to develop and create, instead of just present. If this were to occur, more class time could be spent on simulations and team solution creation, which would more closely mirror actual environments for public relations practice.

Hua Jiang - The Newhouse School
  1. Online quizzes to help students learn teaching materials (both textbook chapters and supplemental readings).
  2. Exams that can be administered via Blackboard and/or other teaching platforms.
  3. Any technologies that can facilitate students’ online discussion both in and outside of the classroom.
  4. Any technology-related learning resources that can help my students study research methodologies and apply what they learn to conduct research projects for their real-world client(s).
  5. Any teaching/learning resources that help me to teach data analytics for research projects.
  6. Anything that the Summer Institute can offer (THANK YOU AND I AM EAGER TO LEARN!)
Mary Beth Monroe - College of Engineering and Computer Science

I would like to develop a series of animations using analogies of polymerization. Specifically, the concept of 3-dimensional network formation is very difficult to explain using words or to show on paper. I have found an analogy of a ‘human network’ that students can grasp (i.e., if humans can only connect with their hands, they will form a 2D chain, but if they can connect with their hands and feet, they can form a 3D network in all directions). I think that the visual tool of an video of this analogy would help students to understand how 3D networks are formed. Other concepts that I’d like to make animations of include step vs. chain growth polymerization and the effects of crosslink density on polymer properties.

In terms of online engagement, I’d like to learn how to implement and use an online discussion forum effectively so that students can expand their options for interaction with me and each other outside of the classroom.

Magdelin Montenegro - College of Arts and Science

Online course design, and content management.

Jeff Pauline - David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

For the SPM 395 course, Psycho-social issues in sport, I intend to incorporated more technology-based techniques to enhance in-class and out of class engagement and use technology tools to create an online community for students. In the future I would like deliver this class in a full online format.. Therefore, I would like to enhance my skills and strategies to be able to develop a full online class. For this course, I hope to develop video lectures, interactive activities for students, on-line discussions, and develop on-line quizzes and/or exams.

Jessica Redmond - David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

I will be teaching NSD 425/625 during Summer Session 2. I have been teaching this course in-person during the regular semester. We do several hands-on activities in the course that will not easily translate to online. During the Summer Institute, I hope to come up with alternate activities that can be a sufficient replacement.

Les Rose - The Newhouse School

This says it best:

Examples of appropriate projects for development during the Summer Institute might include:

Enhancing Your Face-to-Face Course with New Technologies.

Add a new approach to your traditional teaching involving new technologies.

Using technology tools and spaces to create an online community that allows you to re-purpose your face-to-face class time.

My students learn a great deal in my classes and my ratings are pretty great. I just know that there is technology I am NOT using could make me even better.

Sara Vasilenko - David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

The project I intend to work on during the Summer Institute is to develop new ways to apply technologies to promote discussion, engagement, and participation in my Human Sexuality class. I have started using Turning Point to do relatively simple online polls with multiple choice responses, to assess student opinions, knowledge about the topic, and to review material. However, I am interested to expand this to more complicated types of open-ended response options, to let students generate their own responses to questions in real time and to generate more class discussion. I have used this type of polling in faculty workshops and think it has a lot of potential for facilitating discussion on difficult topics. Thus, I would like to learn more about the technologies necessary to carry this out in my class.

In addition, I would like to explore other types of discussions and activities that I can implement through Blackboard. This includes online discussion boards, short video clips or lessons, and online quizzes. The goal in utilizing these different technologies would be to provide additional outlets for discussion and allow students multiple different means to engage in the course and learn the material.

Weiwei Zheng - College of Arts and Sciences

Design materials for the online course or a blended course.

SITETL June 2018
Elisa Dekaney - College of Visual and Performing Arts

I would like to explore the idea of having a great portion of my class online where students could interact, submit work, have meaningful discussions, reflect on their personal growth and their school field placement observations. I would like for the student to work a bit more on their own so our time in class would be used differently, and with more hands-on activities but supported by theoretical knowledge provided online.

Nicole Fonger - College of Arts and Science

During the Summer Institute, I will pursue a project focused on Cultivating Community in a Large Precalculus Course through Online Learning Platform. I imagine this will take the form of creating a shared space, and providing supports for discussion and engagement with content-specific videos that I create or curate from others’ creations. This work will set a leadership example for other precalculus teachers, as I am serving as the course coordinator for several other sections (5-8) involving both new instructors  (graduate students) and experienced lecturers. My aim for this project is to: (a) clarify the conceptual learning goals of the course and how technology can support me in reaching those goals, and (b) create a space for students to engage in course content that extends the boundaries of our classroom and class time. I am hopeful that exploring a technology-rich experience and community space for students will also facilitate communication and community building across myself (the professor) and teaching assistants whom I work with (who will lead a weekly smaller-group recitation section for students) and the students.

Leela George - School of Education

Integrating technology to support instructional supervision and evaluation specifically building lessons with video examples of teaching that can be commented on and scored and then viewed by other students for comparison and discussion. As a result of watching the video lessons and determining areas of struggle in the evaluator’s practice and developing online PD segments or modules to practice.

Lin Guo - College of Arts and Science

I am glad to discover the opportunity to improve my skills in expanding the classroom with technology. The first project I intend to pursue during the Summer Institute is designing course modules to target specific research skills required for writing a research paper. For example, how to search reliable sources and evaluate the sources, how to synthesize research findings in the literature review, how to interpret table and graphs etc. Those skills take time to develop, so modules will keep them on track and also motivate them to keep up with the course. The second project I intend to pursue is the online community for students to collaborate with each other. In the writer’s block, they motivate each other to engage in the writing process and contribute to brainstorming, collaborative reasoning and even emotional support. It gives them opportunities to build connections with classmates and also discover like-minded writers online by publishing their writings. The third project is how to give effective feedback through technology. For example, video/audio feedback makes the comments easier to understand, but I am curious to try if the feedback could be used as a trigger to invite students’ response and the following revisions.

Sydney Hutchinson - College of Arts and Science

If chosen to attend the Summer Institute, I would like to learn how to use Blackboard more effectively to deliver and build on course material. In particular, I would like to explore ways of creating and using online material to help students better understand, engage with, and talk about listening assignments in particular. I would also like to learn techniques for fostering higher quality online discussions, whether using Blackboard, a public blog, or other social media. More concretely, I would work on creating or integrating tools for guided listening and online discussion into my course Blackboard sites as well as into PowerPoints or other lecture tools I use in the classroom itself.

Brittany Jakubiak - College of Arts and Science

I intend to pursue a two-part project if I am accepted to complete the Summer Institute. First, I intend to develop a system to assign reading quizzes, grade them automatically, and generate summaries of student responses that I can use to use my limited class lecture time more strategically. I would ideally like to integrate this system with Blackboard because I already use Blackboard to track grades and to post reading assignments. Second, I intend to develop strategies for actively engaging students during class time. Although I have never used iClickers, I have heard that they are a useful technology tool to engage students. I would like to use the Summer Institute time to learn how to use iClickers, how to integrate them into my lectures and other technologies (e.g., Blackboard) if that is possible. I would also like to learn how other instructors use other instructional technologies to promote active engagement during class time. Part of why I want to attend the Summer Institute is to learn what I do not know. I am sure that there are effective ways to flip the classroom and maintain student engagement in large classes, but I do not know what resources already exist for this purpose.

Elizabeth Juarez-Cummings - College of Arts and Science

I have several projects in mind: – Using social media as a tool for language practice inside and outside the classroom – Creation of a question bank for quizzes and exams – Creating a collaborative resource bank for Spanish instructors to share materials and ideas  – Incorporating google utilities  (youtube, google drive, etc.) for collaboration among students or instructors

Duane Marcy - Engineering and Computer Science

I have created 12 lab experiments and 12 prelab assignments, but they are all Microsoft Word documents. The students download the prelab assignment document, read through it, and fill in the boxes I have provided for their answers. Most of the boxes are filled in with “snip” screenshots of the design tool they are learning to use. I could add a lot to the explanations if I could run the development tool on my computer and capture that as a video. It would also be much nicer if I could provide a real question and answer input through blackboard as opposed to just pasting the answers into a box. The lab assignments work in a similar manner, but the students demonstrate to me that their experiment works on the lab equipment. Currently, I “sign” that they completed the task by typing my name in a box on the Word document. Using Blackboard to improve the signature format would be a big improvement.

Sarah McCoubrey - College of Visual and Performing Arts

To meet the first challenge – enlivening and perhaps recording class demonstrations as well as augment what happens during class – I would like to explore the possibility of some kind of split screen display so that the students might see both my drawing and what I am drawing. I would be interested to learn what methods might be available to find applications and tablets, ipads etc with direct-projection as well as direct drawing capabilities. I wonder if there might be a way to am looking to record my mark-making and a tool to capture audio as I explain the process of drawing. It would be a great opportunity to create some teaching tutorials  For the second challenge – fostering in students  a more reflective connection with the classwork – I would like to learn how to enable students to consider and share their own work with classmates work as it progresses. I would like to learn about possibilities to allow students to upload images and text to a shared space, such a blog or some sort of social media tool where the work is also in the world. It is my goal that students become more involved in the learning process. I would like the students to be able to start using the language of critiquing outside of class and get feedback beyond their classroom peers. I have seen that they seem to take note when a larger audience can review and reflect. For the third challenge, I would like to learn the best methods for having the students collect and share work they find from the world of art history as well as contemporary art.

Perhaps, the tool of collection could also be something that students can easily access through their phones. Since this would be a tool of gathering research and reflection, I want the tool to be easily accessible and intimate yet shareable with classmates. Ultimately, this would be some sort of introduction to an ongoing tool or affordance for the students to consider the subject matter for their work.

Matthew Mulvaney - David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

I am going to pursue the specific development of a course that will combine exposure to international contexts with an online class. It is tentatively titled CFS 300: Children, Family, and Communities in the Context of Partition: Cyprus and Israel The course is scheduled for Spring, 2019. In it, I will cover elements of children and family functioning in the contexts of Israel and Cyrus and will combine it with a spring break trip to Israel/Cyprus. Thinking about ways to enhance international perspectives through online learning environments would be very helpful.

Penelope Pooler - Whitman School of Management

I would like to pursue a project that is useful to all of my courses. I already use Turning Point in my courses, but I am very interested in expanding its use beyond just multiple choice questions to better challenge students using a variety of question styles. I was planning on doing this on my own this summer, but it would be useful to get feedback from others as I develop and revise my lectures.

Jennifer Wilkins - David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Developing group nutrition education team project for delivery with a specific audience at the end of the semester. This will be a hybrid formatted course.

SITETL May 2018
SITETL May 2018
Tiago Barreira - School of Education

I currently teach a 700 level course on physical activity and public health. I have the following setup for the course. During one lecture, a single student presents about a topic, physical activity, and cancer for example. The next lecture, 4-6 students bring up research articles to continue a discussion on the topic. The articles are submitted to all the students so they can read prior to class and the student that selected the article gives a brief description of the study. I have taught this class 2 times and I would like to work on 2 projects related to the class. The first one is to create a summer online course related to this one but it would be called Global Physical Activity and Health. The main difference outside of the setting would be the focus on other countries outside of the US and I would have guest speakers from around the world.  It would also be on a lower level 500-600. The other project would be to improve technology use to better engage students in discussion during the current 700 level class. Currently, I just show the pdf file of the study while the student gives his/her explanation of the study. Learning about and using more dynamic tools would be helpful in engaging student.

Mary Boyden - College of Arts and Science

I would like to learn to use existing technology such as  Blackboard more creatively. My goal is to promote critical thinking by introducing online group discussions to my course. During the traditional (on campus) sections of this course, I initiate group discussions, but I have not yet incorporated this activity in the hybrid section. To begin a discussion, I introduce a hypothetical scenario and ask the students to evaluate a scientific claim using a set of criteria. This application of criteria naturally leads to discussion. I would like to explore how to execute, structure, and moderate such discussions via technology. Ultimately, this activity will be incorporated in my Fall 2018 course.

Emily Brown - College of Law

I use Keynote presentations for most of my classes. I would like to redesign the lectures to have both live and self- paced components.

Kendra DeLoach McCutcheon - David B. Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics

Presently, I assign students to complete a cultural “plunger” activity where they must identify four different cultural events (which could be anything) and learn about the significance, origin, purpose, and meaning of the event. For example, students could choose to explore cultural groups and their relationship to food choices, preparation, seasoning, and meaning. Students complete reflective questions regarding their experience before and after attending the cultural event. Last, students prepare a PowerPoint presentation involving their experience with voice narration. This is a great assignment, but I would like to elevate it so that other students can experience all of the presentations and interact with students regarding their experiences. Additionally, it would be great if other formats besides PowerPoint could be integrated to make this assignment even more dynamic.

Michal Downie - College of Arts and Science

First I would like to create an attractive and friendly user introduction module for the students starting 101 and 102. Second I would like to create an online support system that reinforces our curriculum. Third I would like to incorporate tech’ to a student-student interaction. Our classes have very limited BB use and I really hope to be able to share my work with other languages, especially the “small” ones that don’t have good textbooks and online sites available.

Lauren Esposito - College of Arts and Science

I intend to work on creating an online version of WRT 307. I have taught the course face-to-face and would like to now design the course for an online space. I plan to focus on course design, including online assignments, projects, and assessments.

Jules Gibbs - College of Arts and Science

Again, I have been hired by University College to develop online courses for the new online associate’s degree program, and thus, the project is very specific: to convert two face-to-face ETS courses to the online format, and to find ways to create a dynamic and engaged discussion section in an online format.

Carolyn Hedges - S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

I would like to delve into the issues with the COM 107 course regarding current events. This is such a major pain point and one that is so vital to their Newhouse careers. I think that there is a way I can use the online environment to stimulate offline conversation, engage with some of the top stories of the day/week and make it in a way that is approachable and not “another assignment” or busy work.

Joon Soo Lim - S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications

The goal with this project is to create a blended course for two sections of PRL 605 that integrate instructional modules delivered via digital content with face-to-face instructions. I would like to develop online instructional modules that help students’ self-study as well as compliment my lectures. It is equally important to measure the out-of-class engagement: thus, I will create quizzes that offer instant scoring and feedback. To facilitate the discussion for reading materials and encourage international students’ participation in discussion, I also would like to create an online discussion board. Another challenge for this course is that students are to work in teams to complete a final project of an original case study on a real-world case that has occurred or is happening during the semester. Along with the online discussion board, I will also explore the technological solutions that facilitate the live chat discussion as well as virtual meetings with team members in carrying out the final project.

Devon Moore - College of Arts and Science

Some multi-modal options I present my students to compose in are digital stories, mini-documentaries, podcasts, “Instagram essays” and “twitter essays,” but I feel like the range of digital tools I know about, and am therefore able to offer students to help accomplish these projects, is fairly limited. I hope to learn more about the tools available to students so that I work with students more confidently. Another knowledge gap I hope to address in SITETL is in regards to my use of Blackboard. Right now I use it primarily as an information delivery tool in my WRT 105 and WRT 205 courses; I post readings, assignment sheets, homework calendars, etc. I think I could be using Blackboard in a more dynamic way to encourage and facilitate discussions, and for students to share work with one another and respond, but I’m not sure how to do that. I hope to teach a section of WRT 205 online this coming year, so having that understanding would really increase my pedagogical effectiveness in that situation.

Ralf Schneider - College of Visual and Performing Arts

Developing a series of exercises and assignments to overcome the initial barrier of learning new technology in the virtual and augmented reality learning space (using HTC VIVE and MS HoloLens). Record demos and make videos available to students. Integrate the Digital Scholarship Space into the student experience. Improve my assessment skills on Blackboard.

Marcene Sonneborn - School of Information Studies

The exercises and assignments in the course are designed to be fun, entertaining, and thought-provoking, while challenging students to apply new thinking styles (entrepreneurial, creative, divergent and convergent). Current courses are delivered through lecture, in-class activities, and exercises using physical media and material (paper, markers, etc.). I would like to explore new technologies that will help me to more effectively deliver my course modules and materials to go beyond in-class lectures, exercises, and physical materials. I would also like to learn to use technology that 1)  supports team development, and collaborative brainstorming, ideation, and product development at the front end, to 2) delivery of information about their innovations through digital delivery mechanisms for presenting their ideas to live audiences as well as asynchronous digital presentation.

SITETL June 2017 Group
SITETL June 2017 Class
Shobha Bhatia - Civil & Environmental Engineering

For my introductory course, CIE 337, I would like to bring the real project experience to the class room. I would also like to learn technique to flip a part of my course , so that I can spend more time with students solving challenging and open ended question about the projects.

Kelly Chandler-Olcott - Reading and Language Arts

I hope to determine what technological tools would be best for the co-instructors of the course to communicate with each other around planning, as well as for instructional delivery. The size of the course and the instructional team will present challenges around how to track student engagement and learning over the semester that I think might be mitigated by wise selection of such tools. We also envision that students will pursue several inquiry projects around umbrella topics, where they will have opportunities to put a disciplinary spin on something broader (e.g., a physical education major might consider the influence of poverty on physical activity, a math education major might explore how other countries integrate new English language learners into mathematical problem-solving). I need to figure out how to structure those inquiries so that they are neither too narrow, yielding little new learning, nor too broad, overwhelming students who are likely to be new to our discipline and, in most cases, new to college study and therefore who won’t necessarily possess a lot of content knowledge to draw on or well-developed inquiry skills. I also want to think about what tools might be best for students to share learning from those inquiries, preferably in small groups online rather than in mind-numbingly boring face-to-face presentations to the whole class.

Jennifer Graham - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

I would like to pursue best applications of technology to augment the teaching and learning in ELE 333. This is a required, junior level electrical engineering course. I have taught the course the last 2 spring semesters and of all of the courses I have taught, I believe this course would benefit most from bringing technology into it. There are two ideas I’d like to pursue in the summer institute. First, I would like to learn about online quizzing via blackboard. I have been reading the book Cheating Lessons: Learning from Academic Dishonesty by James M. Lang. One method that has been shown to both improve retention and reduce cheating is frequent, low stakes testing. I would like to try to implement this in ELE 333 using blackboard quizzes in place of some homework assignments, but I don’t know how to do that yet. Secondly, I would like to learn more about teaching this course as a flipped classroom. As a teaching practice, the flipped classroom is something I am just learning about. I would like to explore the technology aspects of the flipped classroom during the summer institute.

Brittany Kmush - Public Health

Ultimately, I would like to flip my classroom, where students complete passive learning prior to class via online content and spend class time on active learning projects. During class, I will demonstrate methods and provide practical applications for the concepts covered prior to class. Epidemiological methods may seem straightforward when presented in a lecture but actually require practice to understand how to use the methods in a real life scenario. Therefore, when the students do not apply the methods, they will not be able to use the techniques effectively. Additionally, students are required to complete an internship as part of their degree; the internships largely prefer practical skills to conceptual knowledge. A flipped classroom would be the ideal way to teach the basic concepts of epidemiology while maximizing the time for students to learn practical skills. Epidemiology is uniquely suited to a flipped classroom, as the basic concepts remain relatively constant overtime. Therefore, online content will not need to be updated every year. However, the methods used in epidemiology are constantly changing due to evolving technology. Therefore, I can demonstrate the most up-to date techniques during face-to-face time rather than spending that time on “google-able” material. I hope the Summer Institute will provide me with the tools I need to efficiently and effectively flip the classroom.

Amy Lutz - Sociology

I would like to turn SOC101 into a blended course where students are presented with course content both online and in class. I believe this would make the course more dynamic than a traditional course. I also want to learn how to incorporate video clips into my lectures to make the course more interesting for students. Finally, I want to incorporate online homework assignments and quizzes.

Dianna Miller - Design

My goal is to organize existing course material into a series of user-friendly teaching modules with readings, quick how-to references, and a series of video examples. I’d also like to incorporate a quiz or another form of assessment within each module so I can more effectively see and document whether students comprehend concepts. In the course, students work on teams on a single, semester-long research project. Because the focus is on developing their documentation, analysis and synthesis skills, I’d like to find a more effective way of assessing both individual and group progress. I’d like each student to keep a blog, but I’ve had problems managing online blogging with students in the past. I’d like to learn techniques for successfully incorporating tools that allow for student reflection and documentation of process. I also think there may be other pedagogies using online tools that I’m not familiar with that could further improve student engagement.

Kamala Ramadoss - Human Development and Family Science

I would like to explore the opportunity to transfer an existing course CFS/SOC/WGS 422 to an online format. I would also like to use the skills I learn from this workshop to complement my teaching in other classes that I teach in a face-to-face, traditional setting. I participate in online workshops myself for my continuing education like the national resource center for marriage education wherein the material is presented very well. As a teacher, I want to learn how to do that for my students.

Shane Sanders - Sport Management

In addition to the lectures that I am recording now, I would like to write, record, and upload a set of tutorials that show students how to complete different excel exercises related to the course.

Margaret Voss - Nutrition Science and Dietetics

I would like to begin designing a delivery system for the class. I have a syllabus, content, and a good idea of how I would like the material to be presented, but I do not want the new class to simply be a “blackboard delivery” of my existing class. I would like to explore technologies that would allow me to create front-end modules for each set of lectures. I want the student to experience a smooth integration of the content and the assessments in a series of well-defined units. I would also like to work on novel methods of assessment, possibly requiring students to use new delivery technologies (e.g., prezi, tellagami, voicethread, etc).

Bhavneet Walia - Economics

I would like to develop the Introduction to Statistics and Econometrics course online. The course is an existing undergraduate economics course that serves undergraduate economics majors and minors. The target audience is economics majors and minors in their final 2-3 years of study. Two sections of ECN 422 are scheduled to be offered in second summer online offering (July). This course will allow students the option of an upper-level economics course that can be taken in an online format during the summer (i.e., regardless of whether the student stays in Syracuse during the summer). Below is a list of projects related to the course that I would like to develop: / (1) Online lecture recordings / (2) Online multiple choice and programming questions. / (3) Online testing tools used for exams and other graded assignments. / (4) Learning how to use Adobe Connect or any other software, to teach coding by sharing my screen with students.

Doug Yung - Biomedical and Chemical Engineering

1) Flipping the classroom – In order to cater for the needs of different students, I am planning to partially flip the class to better adapt to their pace. I want to learn about the technological services and support that SU provides on this regard. 2) Micromodules – Given the nature of this course, I can easily break the topics down into micro-modules for students to digest. 3) More interactivitiy – I am exploring more aids (e.g., instant clicker, online quiz) to make this programming course more interactive.

SITETL May 2017 Class
SITETL May 2017 Class
Ruth Chen - Biomedical & Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering

I would like to make it possible to produce a on-line environmental risk assessment process, based on known procedures, starting from identifying chemicals of concern, to exposure assessment, toxicity assessment, and risk characterization that can reduce errors students can make in reaching a effective assessment of the health impact of environmental chemicals. Today’s USEPA will not be inclined to make environmental risk assessment more user friendly as the process is a collaboration among regulatory agencies, responsible party, and stake holders. The on-line frame work can be efficient in monitoring student progress as well as for the graduate to use post-graduation.

Mona Eikel-Pohen - Languages, Literature, and Linguistics

I am currently setting up something I have not done before and nobody in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics is doing this: From early May until late August I meet with German speaking SU community members once a month to discuss two recent German books. At the same time, we use Blackboard as our discussion forum for those who cannot participate in Syracuse (e.g. German teachers and professors from the wider area as well as some located in Germany, alumni in other cities, students that are off campus over the summer).

Rashmi Gangamma - Marriage and Family Therapy

My main project during the summer institute would be to identify course materials that can be delivered in interesting and relevant formats. For instance, one project I would like to explore would be to use animated designs and slides to describe basic strategies of research sampling. Another project would be to develop a presentation demonstrating statistical analyses that students could view and practice at home. I would also like to explore developing short online quizzes to help students move along with their readings.

Les Gellis - Psychology

For the class taught in Fall, 2017, I hope to learn more technology-based techniques to enhance in-class engagement and use technology tools to create an online community for students. My hope to ultimately deliver this class in a full online format during the Summer, starting in 2018. Thus, I would like to learn all the skills and strategies to develop a full online class. For this course, I hope to provide audio or video lectures, while incorporating other relevant videos, exercises, discussions, and the necessary testing conditions.

Duane Graysay - Mathematics

For the summer institute, I would like to explore existing uses of Geogebra or Desmos as tools for student exploration of concepts relating to differential calculus. My goal would be to identify or create exploratory activities that would strengthen conceptual understanding and that could be carried out independently. My course is anticipated to have close to 150 students, so any technology-based activities would need to be ones that could be carried out in a bring-your-own-device environment.

Robin Jones - Biology

I would like to adapt my face to face course to a fully online format course. Currently, my BIO 211 course is flipped and I use Team Based Learning (TBL), specifically, as a collaborative learning technique to build student interpersonal skills, problem solving skills and confidence in gaining content. I would like to bring this approach to the online platform as well. My overall project will be taking the materials that I already have for BIO 211 and adapting them so that the course can be offered in summer semesters fully online using the TBL approach.

Matilde Mateo - Art & Music Histories

I would like to design a series of online exercises in which the students could practice and hone the following skills: a) mastery of the specific terms to refer to different parts of building, styles, etc. b) how to identify the different parts of one building correlating the ground floor, section, and exterior c) how to identify the styles The exercises I have in mind will be interactive, and will involve multiple choices, highlighting parts of buildings, etc. Some of them could be designed in a way that the student cannot proceed further unless the previous exercise has been mastered. Ideally, I would like to have a way to see whether the student has indeed done the exercise.

Tessa Murphy - History

I have two interrelated goals for the Summer Institute. The first is to develop an interactive cumulative assignment for HST 300. This joint graduate-undergraduate course will focus on different commodities that linked Europe, Africa, and the Americas during the colonial era. Ideally I would like each student to trace the origins, rise, and impact of their chosen commodity (e.g. sugar, indigo, rice, cotton), combining research skills, writing, and oral presentation. It would be ideal to integrate technology into this assignment in a way that lets students appreciate the global impacts of these commodity exchanges- one idea I had was to have the entire class create a collaborative map that shows where each commodity originated and where it ended up, compare trade routes etc. That way in addition to conducting independent research and sharing it with their classmates, students have the opportunity to see how all of this overlaps and interacts. / / The second goal would be to explore moving this course online in the future. This will depend on the success of the in-person class, but the format would seem to lend itself to online instruction (something I have yet to do) and I’d like to learn more about that possibility.

Shikha Nangia - Biomedical and Chemical Engineering
I will like to generate content for flipping the ECS 326 course as much as possible. It’s my first time teaching this course and so I need to prepare all material to be used for the class in Summer.
Jonnell Robinson - Geography

I would like to begin creating modules or sections of my online data-driven decision making class. I would like assistance in deciding which content can be done synchronously and asynchronous. I have case studies that introduce specific decision dilemmas and introduce how govt has used data. I’d like to make this interesting by introducing pod casts and TED talks. I’d also like to figure out how to moderate online discussion for the class as well.

Denis Samburskiy - Languages, Literature, and Linguistics

I have been toying with an idea of remodeling my composition course so that my students do not simply produce texts for me as the sole reader (aka their instructor) but prepare themselves to participate in a larger community of writers. The internet made it possible for everyone to have their voice heard, but I find it very challenging for most of my students to expose themselves (and their writing) to open criticism. Therefore, I would love to use modern technology to boost their confidence in themselves and their wonderful ideas. I would like to learn how to build my student writers’ perception of the audience by including some common technology/web tools in my syllabus. The main caveat for me, as an educator, is how to shift the focus from me as a knowledge-provider and a skill-developer to technology. I think this seminar is a great opportunity to discuss that.

Jeremiah Thompson - Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition

The assignments for my class ask students to work within a genre that will resonate with their chosen audience. At the same time, I strive to make the materials of the course relevant to my students and the way(s) that they learn. To achieve this, I’ve incorporated videos from YouTube and other media that illustrate the issues that we’re examining. For my project during the Summer Institute, I would like to move into the creative seat and learn to make my own mixed-media materials for my course. The first thing I’m envisioning is a series of “explainer” videos that would accompany course assignments. I’ve noticed that my students aren’t as textually inclined as they might be, but they respond well to audio and video. Short videos that explain key concepts or assignment objectives could be useful every time I teach the course. I’d like to learn everything from shooting and editing my own video to blending in clips from movies, television, and YouTube, not to mention static images and animated GIFs. These videos, which could be shared via Blackboard, the Facebook Page I created for the class, and/or a new site for my teaching materials, would serve two purposes: 1. They’d make the concepts and materials of the class accessible to students in new ways, and 2. They would be artifacts in and of themselves that would illustrate some of the possibilities available to them; they could examine the rhetorical choices I made in the crafting of the video for my intended audience (them). This project could lead to experimentation with and creation in other genres as well.

Teng Zeng - Civil and Environmental Engineering

I would like to explore the visual tools that can support active learning. In particular, it would be very beneficial if I can find a good way to illustrate different treatment processes using animations so that students can better relate the fundamental engineering concepts to real-world systems. Furthermore, I would like to explore the technologies that can be used to facilitate group learning in laboratory settings. Lastly, I would like to know more about online learning, especially how I can best use it to complement my lectures.


June 2016

Anne Fitzsimmons - The Writing Program
My WRT 205 online course inquiry is Space & Place. I will be asking students to compose one project in google maps and to incorporate their own photos into the map. I will also ask them to conduct an interview via audiotape and edit it and post it to their expressions site. And I will want to be able to develop slideshare or prezi instructional guides for the students.
David Knapp - Music Education
I would like to “flip” my course by creating a streamlined, vibrant online space for me and my students to engage in discussion, feedback, and assessment of their teaching materials, namely lesson plans and teaching videos. This would include discussion, feedback, and assessment of their teaching materials, namely lesson plans and teaching videos. This would include a space where students can annotate and markup submitted lesson plans. Additionally, I would like an easily manageable online system for students to submit their teaching videos, and where I could annotate and markup their videos within the video timeline so that my markups would correspond to specific moments within the video.
Eileen Kloss - Design
I am interested in learning about and implementing Quicktime videos of the processes for course digital exercises. Although students are familiar with Adobe Photoshop they are not familiar with methods of digital textile design. I have prepared 13 exercises for students to prepare them for the project expectations. These are demonstrated in class however once they are out of class and away from the material many have difficulty remembering. I would like to capture these processes and post them after class to blackboard so they are available to students who need the reminders, or for students who may have missed class. Also, my DES 246 course curriculum would benefit by the including mobile technology. This semester I had hoped to incorporate Yale Publishing’s app version of Josef Albers Interaction of Color. This app would transform student learning by allowing interaction in addition to the hands only method we rely upon now. By providing multiple formats of color relationship explorations students gain a more broad understanding of additive and subtractive color systems. This contrast in color systems is a challenge all designers face. The more experience we can provided them in their education, the better prepared they will be.
Elizabeth Thoreck - Social Work
I want to learn how to incorporate YouTube clips, movie clips, TV clips, into my syllabus. I believe the students today are more comfortable with learning in this manner and I believe adding visuals of my course content will bring to life the experiences we hope they will encounter in their field practice with clients, especial those that live in poverty, homeless, veterans, or survivors of trauma.
Elizabeth Voss - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics - French
I would like to learn how to use blog and website applications to create different types of writing assignments across introductory French classes (101, 102, 201 and 202). For example, beginning students might have a class website where they publish information about student life at Syracuse University. Students at a more advanced level might create a blog about current events in French-speaking regions, where they can create networks of authentic materials and comment on them. As described above, I would also like to develop an online writing portfolio component where students can keep materials across several semesters. Students who take three semesters of introductory French rarely have the opportunity to reflect on the progress that they have made or to go back and revisit materials from a previous course. A more comprehensive writing portfolio would encourage students to view writing as a process and to take a more active role in assessing their writing and language skills.
John Wolohan - Sport Management
I would really like to see if the material I teach can be moved online – will students get the same experience, how do I make that happen. I don’t want to just post powerpoints and readings. I would like to see what are the possibilities.
Ken Frieden - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
More central: shifting the model for students’ preparation and submission of literary analyses. I want them to work more collaboratively with one another to improve their writing and literary analysis. And I want to interact with them by responding to drafts of their writing on Blackboard Discussion Forums.
Keren Henderson - Broadcast & Digital Journalism
I would like to work on building a Blackboard product for my Fall BDJ200 students that allows me to collect news writing examples across media so that my students regularly consume examples of quality work to be emulated by them in class.
Linda Milosky - Communication Sciences and Disorders
I would like to create teaching modules that focus on the best ways to collect and analyze data from speech/language therapy sessions. This is a very different process from the typical way we think of “analyzing” data. It’s not about statistical packages; it’s about teaching students not only to look at correct responses, but also at the nature of the errors their clients make and how those errors can allow the students to adjust their therapy accordingly. In order to achieve that goal, students will need to learn to use specific capabilities of Excel, they will need to learn how to take the results of language analysis (from the SALT program we teach) and make sense of the data in a different, more revealing way.
I’d like to create the modules in such a way that I can incorporate Blackboard questions that will allow for meaningful homework/practice of these skills. I would also like to learn how I might teach some of this in on-line modules that would be part of the students’ “readings” for the week.
Nina Brown - Communications
The course is broken down into several different (but often interrelated) modules. The project I would like to pursue is offering students ways to interact with the course material within each module. For example, in the module on copyright law, students will have an opportunity to create a set of memes that straddles the fair use doctrine. I would like to utilize a breadth of technology to develop interactive assignments within each module that support different learning styles—and keep students engaged outside of the classroom. And then ideally I can use that technology to facilitate assessment!
Roy Welch - Biology
I am interested in flipping part of BCM475, incorporating interactive online homework assignments, and developing some meaningful assessment. I am interested in flipping part of BIO422, and incorporating some online publishing.
Sarah Hall - Biology
As described above, I need to use online classroom tools more effectively so that more of the formal classroom time for BIO 435 may be used for research experience. I propose to record my lectures normally given in class so that they can be accessed online by students. I also propose to establish discussion forums associated with these lectures, so that students can ask questions- to each other and to me- about the lecture material. For assessment, completion of online quizzes would be required for students after listening to the online lectures.
Shiu-Kai Chin - Electrical and Computer Science
Common to the three courses are (1) syntax and semantics of multi-agent propositional modal logic used to reason about access control, (2) derivations and proofs of security properties of systems, (3) use of computer-assisted reasoning tools, e.g., the HOL-4 theorem prover, and (4) generation of professional reports using LaTeX. I am in the beginning stages of using the HOL-4 theorem prover, and (4) generation of professional reports using LaTeX. I am in the beginning stages of using Adobe Captivate and TechSmith Camtasia to develop 8-10 minute modules that incorporate the following types of online approaches: (1) Oyster Lectures, (2) screen capture showing use of computer tools, (3) lightboards, and (4) multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank interactive assessments.
Svetoslava Todorova - Civil and Environmental Engineering
1) decreasing the overwhelming time to grade homework assignments using Blackboard or another online tool where I can create the assignments and receive automatically the grades
2) using mobile tools for communicating with students – nowadays students do not check emails; they are on twitter or facebook (or may be something else that I do not know about); I would like to learn about a mobile platform I can use for instantaneous communication with the students;
3) creating engaging presentations
Tej Bhatia - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
I would like to develop several online activities and resources for creative instruction with an eye to reach out interdisciplinary students. This semester I have students from six different fields (e.g. Forensic Sciences, Forensic Psychology. Neurosciences, Anthropology, The Newhouse, Computational Linguistics and among others.
May 2016

Christal Johnson - Public Relations
Public Relations Research is a skills-based course that involves a step-by-step process in understanding how to collect data, collecting the data, analyzing the results, and then developing insights. I would like to review how I teach each step to determine how I can replace traditional methods with online active learning activities and technology. I would also like to learn how to create professional client reports and presentations so I can transfer these skills to the class room.
James Byrne - Public Health
I am interested in figuring out how to flip the classroom so that, as often as possible, I can try to use class time to have activity-driven use of skills, such as community assessment skills, research for best ractices literature and development of evaluation plans.
Jane Burrell Uzcategui - Food Studies, Nutrition
I would like to make my sports nutrition class interesting and interactive using a variety of medias such as recorded lectures, bringing in video clips and creating workshops to give students visual representation of how a nutrition assessment is completed for a client.
Joseph Godlewski - Architecture
I seek to design course material that is both challenging and intuitive. During the SITETL, I hope to develop resources which students can use to work through dense material outside the classroom and to inspire them to freely participate. I’d like to learn how to use in-class technologies such as Student Response Systems as well as programs to develop a more intensive web experience outside of the classroom. I’m interested in learning how to create a course website, develop captured lectures, and use writing in public to engage students. Lastly, I’d like to better understand technologies I already implement in my course assignments, particularly MovieMaker.
Mary Helen McNeal - Law
1. Creating flipped classes focusing on the topic of confidentiality.
2. Incorporating videos of student mock interviews into class and for use and student discussion on blackboard, potentially for small groups, on confidentiality and how they explained that in their mock interviews.
Michael Fudge, Jr. - iSchool
I need to discover approaches to scaling a course to a large-instruction format. Part of that comes with new strategies for course delivery and assessment.
Pamela Brandes - Management
By the end of Summer Institute, I would hope to have a clearer idea of technological issues and requirements to support this new class. I visualize engaging Whitman’s IMPRESS program and InterviewStream partnerships to create content that will help our students. The IMPRESS program has been running for two years, and I would attempt to include this as part of the design of the course. The IMPRESS program engages undergraduate students through a gaming interface whereby students compete as individuals as well as within four different “houses” (a la Harry Potter) for points related to experiences. I also visualize creating a group project in Interview Stream, a software that allows students to record themselves conducting a mock interview. This is an essential skill that students need to learn in their years at SU. The recording can then be sent to others for a critique. These links could be sent to our career center and/or to other working professionals for direct, personalized feedback. These links can also be saved for future comparison (students could do a second similar assignment to look for their improvement).
Rae Ann Meriweather - The Writing Program
I have two specific goals in mind for taking this course. One is to enhance my online summer course experience for WRT 307. WRT 307 is a professional writing course that I usually teach completely online. I try to emulate classroom discussion through the BlackBoard discussion forums, etc. but it always winds up being “clunky” and not very organic. I think Twitter or another medium (Google Docs) could alleviate that. I would also like to use more technology in my teaching of the students instead of everything taking place through email and announcements in BlackBoard. My other goal is to use technology more effectively in my WRT 105 and WRT 205 courses. These courses are designed with a heavy emphasis on in-class discussion, but I have noticed that my 105 students (who are often new to college in the first place) are extremely quiet and reserved. I think an ongoing Twitter feed or something similar could help them to open up more (especially early on in the semester), but I am completely overwhelmed by Twitter.
Sinead Mac Namara - Architecture
Finding a way to record and reproduce mathematical problem solving with diagrams.
Stefano Selenu - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
I would like to have a clearer idea on how current technological tools could help better integrate materials of different nature in one organic site/system.
Victoria Tumanova - Communication Sciences and Disorders
My goal from participation in the summer institute is to re-purpose a portion of my in-class time for discussion and group work by moving some of my course content online. I would like to record short presentations highlighting key concepts for each lecture which students would view before coming to class. My second goal is to encourage group work and discussion by assigning case studies to student to be worked on in groups. Students would then present their findings in class and their peers would be asked to submit questions and comments online during the case presentations. At SITETL, I would like to learn about the online tools that can facilitate classroom discussion and encourage student to share their ideas by eliminating the fear of giving the wrong answer in front of others.


Joan Bryant - African American Studies
I teach African American History in AAS Dept. Although I am a Luddite at heart, I applied for the course for the reasons below.

    • I want to learn how to integrate technologies into my existing class in order to vary my teaching methods and to develop a knowledge base that will enable me to create an online version of my African American History course.
    • I hope to understand the mechanics of new technologies and the varied ways they can be employed in teaching. I also hope it will offer me new conceptual lenses for thinking about teaching and learning processes.
Jason Wiles - Biology
Jason Wiles here from the Department of Biology. I teach the large 121 and 123/124 courses which serve as foundations for biology majors as well as all of the pre-health professions and also serve as the science requirement courses for many non-science majors. I also manage a number of allied “courses” that support these introductory courses such as Biology 200: Peer-Led Team Learning Leadership Experience, Biology 360: Biology Laboratory Assistant, and several special topics courses led by graduate TAs as a supplement to 123. The teaching I do extends off-campus to students in some 25 high schools via the Syracuse University Project Advance (SUPA) program. My research efforts are largely in Biology Education and related social science and policy issues.

I would like to build a website to enable better communication between students, TAs, staff, advisors, high school teachers, and other interested parties about the courses I teach, related research, people involved, and frequently requested materials and information. I would also like to reach a better understanding of Blackboard as a tool for assessment and data collection for education research. [/spoiler] [spoiler title=”Tod Rutherford – Geography”] My name is Tod Rutherford and I am a Professor in the Department of Geography. I am principally an economic geographer and my research is on the automobile industry, employment relations and labour market policy in Canada, the United States and the European Union, especially Great Britain and Italy. I have been at Syracuse University since 2001 and have mainly taught our introductory Human Geography course (GEO 171), The Geography of the European Union (GEO 331) Global Economic Geography (561) and the Development of Geographic Thought (GEO 603).

My main goal in this course is to learn about the most appropriate in class and on line technologies, as I revamp my GEO 171 course which I will be teaching this Fall. This is a large course (usually +150 students). Up until now I have only used power point, youtube and in a very basic way the Blackboard system (mostly just for posting class readings). What I would like to do is to learn the full functionality of the Blackboard and to use it in the GEO 171. Also I would like to make the class more interactive and so am interested in finding out more about clicker and other technologies for in class use. Finally, I am interested in ultimately making GEO 171 an on-line course and would like to discover more about the technologies supporting this.

Luis Columna - Exercise Science and Physical Education
I am an associate professor in the Exercise Science Department/Physical Education. My research focuses on ways to increase the participation of families (especially Hispanic) of children with disabilities into physical activity and also my research focuses on ways to better prepare teachers to work with diverse populations.

My focus for this week will be on enhancing an online course I am teaching this summer (Diversity) and a course I will be teaching this fall (Adapted Physical Education). I would like to make better use of Blackboard and engage students outside of the classroom. I hope to be able to engage my students in hands on experience and enhance their technology skills.

Theodore Brown - Architecture
I am a professor in the School of Architecture about to assume the undergraduate chair. I have typically taught design studios and required theory courses at the graduate level. For the first time last year, just days before the start of the fall semester, I was asked to teach 1st year undergraduate students, through our “Representation 1” (ARC 181) class. Taught to 130 students with four graduate TAS and 5 Undergraduate Assistants, this is a two semester sequence with the 1st course dedicated to teaching manual media and the second course concentrating on digital media. The class meets twice a week for three hours. The first hour is typically spent in the lecture hall where I provide content (cultural history /theory of architectural drawing) and some demonstration. The remaining two hours are in the “field” in four groups under the direction of the assistants, I move between groups.

(My personal research deals with architecture and the city at an infrastructural scale, I maintain a small experimental design practice with Anne Munly.)

To a fault, I am low-tech. Last year I used PDF presentations in a lecture format and a large scale tablet (not ideal) for drawing demonstrations. My goals this coming week are two-fold. First, as undergraduate chair, I am broadly interested in techniques and technologies that can improve undergraduate education. I feel that, as a school, most history/theory faculty remain within traditional teaching models. Second, I am interested in experimenting with delivery mechanisms and technology to better engage students in the Rep 1 class:

  • Constructing group projects
  • Split screen media for image and drawing
  • Some version of flipping the classroom
  • Possible use of social media and/or class website
  • Quick animations of drawing
  • Use Prezi or comparable interface
John Coggiola - Music Education
My name is John Coggiola and I am a Dual Associate Professor of Music Education in CVPA and the School of Education. I am also the Director of Jazz Studies in the Setnor School of Music. I have been at Syracuse University since the fall of 1997 and since then have taught an array of music ensembles and music education coursework covering music teaching methods and pedagogy, research courses focused on music teaching and learning, music technology and its use in inclusive music classrooms, and instrumental music performance practice. My research is concerned with developing a better understanding of individual/group aesthetic response to music experienced through different settings (including live performances and varied “on-demand” technologies) and the impact of aesthetic response on music learning.

My proposed project for the Summer Institute is to create an on-line website that combines the experiences of a live (or on-demand) performance with supplemental instructional material. This material could include static content (program notes, text translations, artist bios), interactive content (PowerPoint presentations, on-line assignments, audience member feedback), and pre/post extended content (artist/composer/conductor interviews, suggested media for further study) for users to engage with to further enhance their “audience member” experiences. The primary goal of this project would be to couple the designed website with selected live concerts offered in the Setnor School of Music, which stream high-definition video and audio content. An extension of this model would be to use the website and its options (with selected pre-recorded content) for classroom and research use.

Robert Silver - Biology
I am a Professor in the Department of Biology and the Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute. My biological research focuses on “How Cells Make Decisions” including the role of metabolic and signaling microdomains in controlling cell physiology, e.g., mitotic cell division, activation of eggs and front-line defenders in the immune system.

The SITETL project upon which I plan to focus is a seamless integration of still, animation and video in presentation of curriculum material, e.g., for my course on Advanced Light Microscopy (BIO and FSC 472/672). A test project could be better conveyance of the principles of refraction and phase contrast in light microscopy, or the demonstration of the wave-particle duality and diffraction in image formation, e.g., in light microscopy. My crystal ball suggests that this course should be worthwhile; we will see.

Christopher Hanson - English
I work in the English Department in the College of Arts and Sciences, where I teach courses on new/digital media, game studies, television, and experimental film and video. My research currently focuses on the function of time in digital and non-games. In previous lives, I worked in the game industry, and have also worked in programming/software development and media production. Perhaps the largest challenge that I would like to explore is how to better integrate the use of technology—both by me and my students—into my teaching. It is somewhat paradoxical that I teach courses in media studies that are focused on the study of media, games, film, and television, but that I do not allow my students to use any technology in the classroom itself and that I make only very limited use of technology in my own teaching. I have found technology to be distracting for students to use themselves while in the classroom, and thus I have strict course policies in both my lecture and seminar courses restricting its usage by students. I would like to address this, as well my own hesitancies to use more technology in my teaching and coursework—but I rarely feel that I have the time to do so on my own and have mainly done it via trial and error (with a lot of error!).

I regularly use Powerpoint in my lecture course, and have students make weekly blog posts on Blackboard to engage with the readings and course material. I would like to make my lecture material more interactive and engaging, and am sure that there are some tools and technologies that are out there that would facilitate a better teaching and learning environment for my students. I use Blackboard for student blog posts as I want to ensure that their posts are protected by Syracuse University (and not the property of a particular website and/or subject to suspect privacy protections), but I feel that I am barely scratching the surface of what is possible with Blackboard. I also make limited use of technology in my undergraduate and graduate seminar courses (again, only using Blackboard for basic functionality), and would very much like to improve this as well. I do have students use technology in courses that I teach on digital games, but this is largely restricted to screening time in which they are playing particular games that I have set up.

Joyce Zadzilka - Accounting
I am a professor of practice in the accounting department in the Whitman School of Management. I joined the faculty eight years ago and teach three different courses: managerial accounting, advanced financial accounting, and principles of fraud examination. I enjoy being able to see the same student at three different points in their academic development. Over the past year I experienced two specific teaching challenges that lead me to apply for the Summer Institute. First, I find my students struggle balancing day to day content learning with project-based assignments over the course of the semester. As a result they complete large projects in a rush and do not seem to benefit from the learning that is designed into the assignment itself. Second, I feel the concept of flipping the classroom places significant responsibility on the student, and I struggle with finding effective ways to ensure their expected preparation time outside the classroom does happen in a productive way for them.

I am seeking to redesign my advanced financial accounting course so that I can focus solely on content for no more than twelve weeks and shift my project-based assignments to the end of the semester with more in-class discussion and presentation so that the applied learning is more visible to the students. I would like to design more resources for students to review outside class to help them master the content faster and use class time for reinforcement that includes more student presentations.

Nicole Moss - The Writing Program
I teach in the Writing Program. I’ve been teaching online writing courses during the summer for the past 12 years using Blackboard. I’ve also used Blackboard to supplement my face-to-face classes in the fall and spring. Even though I’ve been using it for awhile, there are certain features I’ve become comfortable using in Blackboard, and others I’ve never used. I’d like to learn more about Blackboard so I can use it more effectively (and expand what I can do with the students in the online environment). Last year I started to explore integrating different types of technology into the face-to-face classroom, such as blogging and creating websites. It has been a learning process for me and the students, and there is so much more I want to learn – not just about using blogs and websites in the writing classroom, but also how to use social media to engage the students in exploring more effective ways they can communicate (that may feel more directly relevant to them but still transferable to their academic, professional and civic lives).

My project for this week is to reimagine my WRT 105 and 205 courses.

Raymond Wimer - Marketing
I’m Ray Wimer, Professor of Practice in the Marketing Department at Whitman. I teach courses in Retail, Personal Selling, Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I am also the lead faculty on the first-year course, SOM 122 Perspectives of Business and Management. My challenge is how to effectively use technology to engage more students in learning the process inside and outside of the classroom.

My focus next week will be on enhancing SOM 122 for this fall. I would like to make better use of Blackboard and Social Media to engage students outside of the classroom so more time can be spent in the class on applications of the content. I am also interested in learning how to use technology to help facilitate team projects in the course.

Bruce Kingma - Entrepreneurship
I am a Professor of Entrepreneurship in the School of Information Studies and Whitman School of Management. I am the former provost for entrepreneurship and innovation and am an advocate of experiential entrepreneurship education.

I am working on the syllabus for GET234: Effective Collaboration in a Globally Distributed Environment. This is a required course in the Global Enterprise Technology program. The course is on international business communications and technology. I developed a partnership with Tsinghua University in China whereby students at THU partner with students at SU to start multinational micro-ventures. The student teams communicate using technologies such as WeChat, Adobe Connect, Google Hangout, and Skype.

In the fall of 2015 I will be teaching GET234 in a blended format—online and face to face. Students will attend several face-to-face classes but will also be required to collaborate online with the instructor, their fellow students at SU, and students at Tsinghua University. My goal in the Summer Institute is to develop ideas for projects and assignments for the online part of GET234.

Elizabeth Wimer - Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Customer Service
I teach courses in Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Customer Service. My challenge is the learning curve of transitioning from in-classroom to the online environment. I’m launching my first asynchronous online course this fall and have just submitted a proposal that would fund an online course offered on a large-scale and nationally to veterans.

Next week I’m focused on enhancing the course material that I’ve prepared for online delivery so it has the fun and function of the courses I deliver face-to-face. I’m confident in the content and am ready to add enhancements so that students move from accessing the material to engaging with it.

Michael Kalish - Psychology
I’m Mike Kalish, Professor of Psychology. I study human learning and memory, using computational modeling and evolving empirical methods. My personal teaching challenge is to stay organized, and to challenge the interested without alienating the disinterested more than necessary.

I teach Research Methods. I’m hoping to renovate my students’ pre-class preparation — maybe they should read the book, or interact with the publisher’s interactives. I’d like to update my in-class response mechanism; currently, note cards, hopefully something clicker-free but fully functional. Finally, I’m always traveling when teaching and would like to move more of the learning out of lecture and onto the students.

Anna Chernobay - Finance
I am an Associate Professor of Finance at the Whitman School. I am teaching undergraduate business statistics, MBA data analysis, and graduate courses on financial risk management. The undergraduate course is required for all business majors, and in the MBA course I often have students from iSchool, math department, and the school of engineering. My research is on risk management in financial institutions. I am also on the task force to develop a sequence of undergraduate and graduate courses on Business Analytics at the Whitman school, and will be most likely teaching some of them. I am currently chairing Whitman’s Teaching Committee.

My PhD is in statistics and probability and I was trained to teach stats in a traditional way by focusing on theory rather than applications. But teaching statistics to business school students is an entire different game! Holding students’ attention and keeping them motivated and engaged is not easy. Although I feel that I have made this “transition” pretty well, I am still not fully satisfied and need fresh ideas on how to reinvigorate my courses. I use a variety of technology tools in my courses already, including different statistical software. I record my lectures using Adobe Connect and ECHO360. My current challenge is how to make my classes more “visual” and interactive. Visualization triggers certain parts in the brain that helps one retain information and enjoy the material better. I have heard a lot about Prezi as an alternative to PPT but have never used it – I would like to learn how I can use it to re-design my lecture slides.

Another, bigger, project that I would like to work on is design an online resource for students, perhaps linked to my own homepage, devoted to statistics and its various business applications. This resource would contain, for every topic that I teach, videos (including my own video recordings), lecture notes, examples and solutions, how-to in Excel, and various examples of business applications including news articles. I would like this to be students’ primary resource when they study for quizzes or prepare for exams. Because this is intellectual property, I would like to learn if there is a way to make parts of this website password-protected, perhaps by somehow linking them to Blackboard.

Ellyn Riley - Communication Sciences and Disorders
I teach two combined grad/undergrad courses: Speech Science and Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language. I also teach Neuropathologies of Language, a course designed to prepare clinical Master’s students to assess and treat individuals with neurogenic communication disorders.

For my grad clinical course, I’ve been using a Problem-Based Learning approach (PBL) and I’ve been struggling with finding adequate ways to assess the students’ knowledge once they have completed each problem. This year I used a combination of group concept maps and reflection papers to assess learning, but I didn’t feel that either of these methods were adequate. Students felt they needed more assurance througout the semester that they were learning what they were supposed to be learning. The concept maps were good for helping the students think through the problem in small groups, but the format made it possible for individual students to miss several key points, but still receive a high score for their group’s concept map. The reflection papers were focused more on the students’ own perceptions of HOW they were learning rather than WHAT they were learning and I found that the students didn’t really take them seriously.

My project for this workshop is to develop some online material that will help guide students through the various Problem-Based Learning stages and provide low-risk learning “check points” throughout the course. My plan is to use this material as a formative assessment tool that will allow me to see an individual student’s progress while working through each clinical problem. I also would like to explore ways to allow students to add their own questions to potentially use these resources as a study tool.

Matt Bonham - Political Science and International Relations
I am Professor of Political Science and International Relations in the Maxwell School. I have been using technology in the classroom since the mid-1990’s but I have never been satisfied with the results. Currently, all of my classes have their own course Web site and they are all on Facebook. I encourage my students to take advantage of social media, because, unlike Blackboard, interactive teaching can begin way before the first formal class meeting and extend after the final exams. Unfortunately, many students just want to download a syllabus and a set of PowerPoint presentations from Blackboard. In other words the technology has not been transformative. I am looking for more and better tools and a conceptual framework for making effective use of them.
Beth Egan - Advertising
I am an Associate Professor in the Advertising Dept in Newhouse. This is my second year teaching after a 25 year career using technology to reach people with advertising messages. I’m very excited to join this group to learn how to use technology to reach people in a whole new way.

My project focus is similar to many of you – creating engaging content that the students will be eager to consume outside of the classroom in order to enrich the in-class experience. i look forward to meeting you all next week.

Andrew Kim - Law
I am an associate professor at the College of Law where I teach and research in the areas of immigration and administrative law. I am looking forward to meeting you and learning about your work.

In my upper class courses, I assign a series of problem-solving exercises and a research project that requires students to present their work. Because the courses are relatively large, I would like to learn how to organize and develop an online forum that not only encourages collaborative learning through group work, but also enables students to present and share their work with the entire class.

Tracey Marchese - Social Work
I am a Professor of Practice in the School of Social Work. I teach both undergraduate and graduate practice courses, and my area of interest is trauma (I teach two courses on trauma at the graduate level). This is my 7th year teaching at SU. In my undergrad classes, I have noticed more and more of a problem with getting students to read and engage with the course material prior to coming to class. This then takes away from time that could be spent practicing and applying the knowledge and skills learned because I usually have to review what the students were supposed to have read.

I am hoping to develop at least a partially flipped classroom, where I can provide either mini video lectures on more challenging topics and/or some exercises or questions for students to answer to help them engage with the material. This will hopefully result in them being better prepared, which will free up more time to practice their skills in the classroom. I am admittedly not very tech savvy, so I am hoping to learn a lot from this program.

Linwood Vereen - Counseling and Human Services
I have just finished my first semester in the Department of Counseling and Human Services. I am an associate professor and in my 15th year as an educator. I would say that some of my challenges at the moment are how to provide a learning environment that reaches the variety of students within my department. We have students from all over the world of various ages and multiple cultural identities. These students also have varying abilities, needs, and complex challenges to navigating graduate education. I am seeking to provide multiple means and pathways to success for them as lifelong learners.

My project is centered around the development of learning modules that assist students in learning critical aspects of professional counseling. Each learning module would have an audio recorded lecture with accompanying prezi or power point, embedded would be video evidence of the concept being taught. For example, an ethics module would include a prezi, recorded lecture, case examples in both written and video form. This would be paired with written stimulus questions and prompts that the students would answer in a group chat format. I envision multiple learning modules that will focus on critical parts of the course such as ethics, consultation, theory, and clinical supervision to name a few.

Angela Zachman - Biomedical and Chemical Engineering
I am a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical and Chemical Engineering (this past year was my first year at SU!). I teach four engineering courses to the bioengineering students. Most of these are senior level courses including bioinstrumentation- which combines some electronics to make biological measurements, senior capstone design- where students work in team of 4-5 to design and test a medical or biologically related device, and Bioengineering Lab. I struggle currently with the Bioengineering Laboratory course. The course encompasses a lot of material in one semester- an introduction to engineering design methodology and beginning of capstone design team projects, computer aided drafting (CAD), hands-on labs designing circuits and devices such as pulse monitors and breathing monitors, and biomechanics testing! The class only meets for 50 minutes of lecture once a week, with a 2.5 hour lab. Therefore, I spend most of my time rushing to explaining the lab or assignments- which are mainly computer based- during the 50 minute lecture time, but this is wasted on students who aren’t around computers at the moment, so they are easily bored or retain no information from the lecture.

For this SITETL course, I would like to create videos or voice-over tutorials to explain the lab or computer assignments that students can view as “homework” assignments or reference during the lab when they are stuck on “which button do I need to push next?” This would allow me to free up my lecture time for other, more engaging activities, and hopefully increase student interest and learning! If possible, I’d also be interested to have the students create some of their own video presentations that they can post to Blackboard (I’d prefer this over an open website, but I’m open to other ideas, as we have some IP issues with design work) and have other students view and comment on instead of taking up class time with presentations. Can’t wait for the course to start!

Carlos Castaneda - Biology and Chemistry
I have just completed my first year at Syracuse University as an assistant professor in both departments of Biology and Chemistry. I run my own research lab at SU studying the molecular basis of disease. My current focus is on studying proteins in cell signaling pathways, and how mutations or modifications of these proteins lead to disease states (particularly those affiliated with neurodegenerative or neuromuscular diseases). I just finished teaching biochemistry to both graduate students and undergraduates this year. It has been a fun and rewarding experience, but I want to make it more fun and topical. One of my main issues is how to teach biochemistry effectively, as it is a class that builds on many other courses and there is a lot of material to cover. As biochemistry is now an important prerequisite for the medical school admissions test, I expect more students to enroll in these classes, which will challenge how I teach biochemistry. I am fairly ok with technology, but I would like to learn how to effectively use technology for such a visual class like biochemistry.

My project revolves around learning how to partially flip my graduate biochemistry course. I would like to focus class time on discussions, problem solving, scientific papers, or on concepts that are difficult to grasp in biochemistry or that need reinforcement. The challenge is that there is much material to cover so I could spend all of my time lecturing, but I do not believe that is an effective way for the students to learn. My idea is that I can create short 5-10 minute videos or assignments that students would watch before class. These videos could be short explanations or reviews of concepts, historical piece (classic biochemical experiments), or perhaps a news piece that we could then discuss in class.

Kenji Oda - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
I am a Visiting Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics. I have just finished my first year at SU, and I am still sort of new to the SU community. Before coming here, I was at the University of Toronto, where I also did my PhD. As for what I do research-wise, I work on syntax of Modern Irish Gaelic. (For those who are less familiar with linguistics jargons, syntax is a study of how to put words together into phrases or sentences.) Irish Gaelic, being a less extensively studied language, has many things that are yet to be studied. I am also a (rather unsuccessful) learner of the language, mar sin má tá cúpla focail agatsa, ba maith liom a chaint leat as Gaeilge! As for teaching, I struggled a bit to keep students engaged in LIN201 (The Nature and Study of Language) towards the end of semester last fall, which started with 120 students. I would like to see if I could improve my teaching in a large classroom setting using new technologies so that I can keep students engaged throughout a semester. I would also like to look into options alternative to for-profit classroom response systems like iClicker or Tophat, which hurt students’ wallet.

As for my SITETL project, I’d like to develop an electronic interactive component for LIN201, The Nature and Study of Language, to make the lecture part more interactive. First, I would like to fully incorporate an audience response system, yet-to-be-used functions on Blackboard, and SNSs, such as Twitter, to make the course more approachable and to keep students engaged. Second, I would like to see if “flipped teaching” is feasible in a class with 100+ students. This will involve making series of short on-line lecture materials.

Consuelo Endrigo-Williams - Italian
Ciao a tutti! My name is Consuelo and I am an Italian adjunct instructor at SU. I teach Italian 101 and 102. I started teaching at SU last August (2014) after relocating with my family from LA, California.

During are week at Sitetl I would like to learn how to incorporate technology into the classroom, so that the students can devote class time to use the language, rather than learn about the language. This would help also to create a strong sense of community among my students and a more motivate and stress-free learning environment.

My second interest is to learn how to pilot my students to create and Italian website.

My third interest is to be able to create an online class for summer 2016.

Thomas Steinfeld - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
I am an adjunct instructor of French, in SU’s dept. of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. I have been teaching various levels of French since I was in grad school in the early 90s, and have taught at other colleges, as well. I have most recently taught French 201, which not only focuses on grammar enhancement, but also on learning about various Francophone cultures and being able to have advanced discussions on topics such as family dynamics, social justice, politics, etc.

I have always used technology in the classroom, to some degree (usually with Blackboard and textbook-tied websites), but I feel that the rate of expansion in the potential to use technology has increased exponentially, while my knowledge of it has not. I have been banning the use of cell phones and other electronic devices in my classes, but times have changed. Now, rather than forbid my students from using such things, I want to INCORPORATE them into my lessons. It’s a modern fact of life that students’ lives center largely around their technology, and taking advantage of that (for in-class exercises, quizzes, etc.) will not only make class time more interesting and engaging, but will also enhance the learning process. I am also interested to learn about the possibility of students creating projects (audio, visual, etc.) using the ever-expanding technology that is available. That is why I am very excited and enthused to be a part of this workshop. I am certain it will be a wonderful experience!

Susan Millar - Geography
I’m Susan and I’m an Associate Professor in the Geography department. My research interests are associated with regional signatures of climate and environmental change, specifically in cold, high latitude areas. Right now though, I’m working on a project examining snow pattern changes and their interaction with soil temperature and spring flooding in the Oneida Lake watershed. The classes I teach therefore focus on aspects of the natural environment, such as coastlines, climate, and cold regions, on top of which I overlay some of the significant human dimensions of these places, such as sea level rise, climate change, or environmental degradation of tundra. A challenge I face with these science-oriented classes in what’s perceived as a social science field, is to get students to engage with the importance of the scientific process, how tedious such data collection and analysis can be, how not every ‘experiment’ works out how you ‘want’ it to, and how each and every sound bite or ‘fact’ we know about climate or environmental change is hard won.
The project I want to work on next week is an attempt to get students more involved in the scientific process using my Weather and Climate class as a vehicle. Students will have to undertake all the data collection, exploratory analysis and its graphic representation within a context that they develop investigating the literature. But to really excite them about it, I’d like for them to collate this information in a form that can be accessed through a hotlink built into the location of their research site on Google Maps (for example). Ideally, I’d like for this to be on a web location, so students can show their friends their work (woohoo!) but also that would provide Year 1 of what would ultimately build up a historic and geographic record of weather and climate change.
Sean O'Keefe - Public Administration and International Affairs
In January 2015 I was appointed University Professor and Phanstiel chair in Strategic Management and Leadership at the Maxwell School. I am a returning member of the Public Administration and International Affairs department’s faculty. My most recent faculty post was at Louisiana State University as a Professor of Public Administration until 2008 at LSU’s College of Business, Public Administration Institute. The stunning advances in computing, social media and information management tools since that last time I had an opportunity to teach graduate level courses have left me in the dust! My fondest hope with the SITETL course is to gain some minimal currency to teach classes in a more contemporary manner.

My first challenge this Fall will be a Managerial Leadership graduate level course. This class was previously offered by a senior faculty member who is retiring. As such, now that I have “inherited” this course offering, I have an opportunity to introduce new pedagogical techniques and tools with the course material. Given that I am a nearly clean slate on use of current IT resources at Syracuse, this is a rare opportunity to refresh the course presentation. as such, my project will be to explore new ways to bring this course material to life in a creative manner. [/spoiler] [spoiler title=”Ellyn Riley – Communication Sciences and Disorders”] I’ve just completed my first year here at SU as Assistant Professor in Communication Sciences & Disorders. I teach two combined grad/undergrad courses: Speech Science and Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech and Language. I also teach Neuropathologies of Language, a course designed to prepare clinical Master’s students to assess and treat individuals with neurogenic communication disorders.

For my grad clinical course, I’ve been using a Problem-Based Learning approach (PBL) and I’ve been struggling with finding adequate ways to assess the students’ knowledge once they have completed each problem. This year I used a combination of group concept maps and reflection papers to assess learning, but I didn’t feel that either of these methods were adequate. Students felt they needed more assurance throughout the semester that they were learning what they were supposed to be learning. The concept maps were good for helping the students think through the problem in small groups, but the format made it possible for individual students to miss several key points, but still receive a high score for their group’s concept map. The reflection papers were focused more on the students’ own perceptions of HOW they were learning rather than WHAT they were learning and I found that the students didn’t really take them seriously.

My project for this workshop is to develop some online material that will help guide students through the various Problem-Based Learning stages and provide low-risk learning “check points” throughout the course. My plan is to use this material as a formative assessment tool that will allow me to see an individual student’s progress while working through each clinical problem. I also would like to explore ways to allow students to add their own questions to potentially use these resources as a study tool.

Maryann Monforte - Accounting
My project has a multi-phase focus. I am hoping to be able to get both phases completed. First, I want to set up a forum using Twitter as a feeder for students to provide current business information about the companies that they are investing in and the potential impact this information may have on their portfolios. I would like to see this information in consolidated dashboard view that can be reviewed at the beginning of class and that I can use to determine their grade for participation in this portfolio project.

Secondly, I would like to learn how to use some video capture technology (Camtasia?) to create short instructional videos on key accounting concepts that can be used as a summary of lecture learning without using up critical class time. I would like to post these videos to YouTube and have a way for students to access them from Blackboard.

Anne Mosher - Geography
Here’s my project – It is for Geography 313: The United States. Enrollment: 30.

While this course is often taught in other places as a regional geography class (if its Week 3, it must be the American South, if it is Week 4, it must be the Midwest, etc.), I take a different approach. I explore with students the idea that the U.S. can be thought of as a set of perceptual/popular regions, as a governance/administrative/program hierarchy that has been articulated across space via a “state form” called “federalism”, and as a complex system (a.k.a. interlocking suite of infrastructural networks).

Over the course of the semester, students do their own independent research project about the U.S. on a common theme. They are expected to produce new knowledge about that theme. What I’d like to do is get them to reproduce that knowledge, too. I want them to teach each other.

Their research project starts with each of the students drawing the name of a U.S. state out of a hat (actually, out of my graduation cap with the gold tassel). Then, they are asked to go collect some political data about that state. Each student uses some formulas that I give them to transform the data into statistical indices for their state for a five year period. They are then asked to graph that information and then compare it to similar (provided) information for two baseline states: New York and Nebraska. They are then asked to write a short (3-page) paper that describes and explains similarities and differences in political leanings between their state, NY and NE. They also come back and present to the class what they discovered. This means, by the end of that class meeting, that we have looked at, contrasted, compared, and re-grouped 32 U.S. states according to their political leanings. In the process, their preconceived ideas of Red/Blue states get knocked down and rebuilt in interesting ways. This is all in prelude to the “big project.”

It is this big project that I’m most worried about in my proposed SITETL project.

The purpose of the big project (previously a 10-page paper) is to get the students to explore the ways in which federalism operates geographically as a complicated set of intergovernmental and intragovernmental relationships. In the past, I’ve had them explore this via “porkbarrel” federal projects OR through federal programs that are actually delivered by the state and local levels. This coming fall 2014–because of my involvement with a larger Moynihan Institute initiative related to this topic–they will be looking at the U.S. disaster management system. Thus, they will pick some sort of disaster that occurred in their assigned state sometime during the past two years that required a local, state, and (maybe) federal response. They will then explore the history and geography of that disaster in terms of how the federal system was activated as a strategy to respond and recover to the event. How might the political leanings of that locality/state have made a difference to disaster preparation, response, recovery and further mitigation?

They will then be asked to pick a similar disaster that occurred in another state, and see how political leanings and the activation of the federal system differed or was the same. They won’t be exploring that disaster in anywhere near the same amount of detail, but will–on the basis of discoveries from the first disaster–have a couple of specific issues to examine in the second.

What they should discover is that FEMA’s involvement in disaster management plays out differently in different places; that the idea of a monolithic one-size-fits-all federal response to anything is a grossly overblown idea (at least, these are the findings common to the “porkbarrel project” and “service agency” renditions of the assignment). Place and the politics of place matter. The insights they get in this regard largely come from the assignment design, which encourages them to practice geographical and spatial thinking skills.

In moving through this project, we have always had several workshop and presentation days in class. We go around the room and everyone talks about what they are doing, what they are discovering, and where they think this may be leading. The other students get really interested in each other’s work and routinely come into class with something that they’ve run onto that might be helpful to one of their peer’s research.

Over the past couple of years, students have started suggesting that they really would like to have a way to communicate with each other outside of class about this; a way to offer input–suggestions, ideas, criticisms, to their classmates about the research papers they are writing. They also have indicated an interest in reading the final products that their classmates produce and having access to those papers later. They further think that people outside the class would find what they’ve discovered interesting, too. Last semester, we spent the last day of class formulating the final exam together (a common practice in my courses) and in the course of that discussion, the students said it would be really “cool” to be able to write about each other’s projects for their final exam. They can’t do that unless they have access to each other’s work.

What they are advocating for, I think, is:

1) having the opportunity to get ongoing peer (and instructor) critique and support;

2) learning from each other outside of class;

3) having access to the knowledge that the class produces after the class is nearly/completely over.

What *I’ve* started to learn about Expressions is that it *might* be a technology that could be used to take the students up on their suggestions.

But maybe there’s another technology that we have that would help even more?

I’m open to suggestions.

My goal for this week is to translate Fall 2013 GEO 313’s dream for a more online, phased and constant feedback-laden version of the project into a testable reality for this coming fall. I’ve found that students–if approached as collaborators–love playing a Beta-tester role. We’ll see!

Colleen Baish Cameron - Child and Family Studies
I am looking forward to getting up to speed with technology in the classroom. I have recently developed a course that has a primary focus of developmentally appropriate communication in pediatric healthcare settings. Going beyond learning medical terminology, this course is intended to provide students with the knowledge of how children learn, process and interpret medical information related to exams, procedures and diagnoses. My project will focus on translating the in-class, interactive skill building components of this course into an on-line format.
Bob Wilson - Geography
I would like to learn how to use Blackboard, social media, and other digital tools more effectively in all my courses, especially my 100-level environmental studies course. I already create Facebook groups for all my classes (it’s optional for students to join, but about ½ to 2/3 typically do). But I want to learn about other sorts of digital tools that might allow me to “connect” better with students in large lectures.
Ravi Shukla - Finance
I teach courses in corporate and managerial finance, investments, and financial modeling. I enjoy teaching and working with students. I have used technology in my courses from the very early days (I remember running a gopher server on my OS/2 box in 1996). Currently I have a large number of documents, videos, and interactive web pages on my web site. I write my own code in HTML, ASP, SQL, JavaScript, and other languages as necessary.

My goal in this workshop is to learn about more efficient and effective techniques for recording and producing videos and developing interactive online content for my courses, especially for financial modeling.

Craige Champion - History
I like to try to keep cross-fertilization going between my research and my teaching. Without being diligent about this, I find I can easily wind up feeling as if they are two separate, almost unrelated universes. So in the wake of completing this book, I want to create a course called Religion and Politics in Ancient Rome. One thing I would like to explore during the week is the streaming, “moving” map, which could be incorporated into Powerpoint lectures. I envision a map in which a click could show visually the advance of time and territorial, political, and geological changes on a map. I believe such technology exists; now I would like to learn where it is, how to get hold of it, and how to utilize it.

More practically, I would also like to get my head around using the Grade Center on Blackboard to its full potential. At this point I am very limited here, and usually have to call someone at ICT to bail me out of my confusion.

Scott Erdman - Biology
The cell biology course that I currently co-teach is a lecture driven one semester survey course of the topic that enrolls 300 or more students. I am interested in exploring various technologies to help promote long term retention of key concepts in the course. I would like to potentially develop short online introductory guides to help students to better access the key concepts associated with the material prior to my lectures. I am also interested in learning different technologies to enable development of additional web-based enrichment items to help further illuminate some selected topics and experimental approaches used in cell biology and wish to examine ways to best incorporate such activities into courses to promote student learning.
Greg Hoke - Earth Sciences
I would like to learn how to use technology more efficiently to 1) increase student engagement while 2) enhance learning.

During this summer institute, I would like to revisit how I use technology in Earth System Science lecture course and develop new ways to enhance my already largely computer-based laboratory component of the course. Currently, I use Doceri software on an iPad in concert with Keynote lectures and turning technology’s clickers in lecture. I think they are great tools, but I’d like to build new ways to engage students in and outside of lecture. I also load tons of interesting relevant Earth Science popular press content on blackboard, however students rarely access this material, even when told it will appear on exams. I would also like to be able to push any improvements in the course material to the SUPA version of Earth System Science.

Jane Read - Geography
This Summer, I am revamping my offering in social psychology. I am working to integrate more technology into all aspects of the course, but my project in this summer session it twofold: First, I would like to develop an entirely new procedure for student assessment. I have used multiple choice exams given in class in the past, but would like to change that to periodic in class activities and quizzes using clickers. I would also like to explore lecture capture (or animations) as a way to present lecture material to students online prior to their arrival in class so that class time can be devoted to activities and deeper thinking regarding the material.
Michael Norris - Exercise Science
My focus for the workshop will be to integrate the use of technology within the Assessment and Curriculum class I teach by learning the comprehensive uses of the Blackboard system. As a new faculty, I did not learn all the functionality available for use with the undergraduate students. Therefore, by the end of the workshop, I will know how to use and develop the various applications like adobe connect, discussions boards, video streams, webinars (for those who miss class), self-assessment tools, and other interactive uses (i.e., Socrative teacher/student, clickers) to maximize student learning in my Assessment and Curriculum class.
Heather Coleman - Biology
I currently teach two courses – a Biotechnology Capstone Seminar which is a required course for all our biotech seniors, and a Plant Biology course which is an elective. I’ve taught the Capstone course three times now and am relatively happy with how it works, but I would like to focus on improving the Plant Biology course, which I have only taught once.

In reality, most of our majors are interested in the medical field so plant biology is a bit of a stretch for many of them in terms of interest. While there are ways to make the topic more relevant, it is not most effectively achieved through lectures. I would like to flip the course such that students are able to learn the basics on their own time and then come into class and use the knowledge to work on case studies. In order to do this effectively I would like to learn some of the technology options available, and also ways to encourage students to complete the front-loading work that is essential to the case study environment (and assess whether they have).

Catherine Nock - Language, Literatures, and Linguistics
In my classes, in addition to a blog on Blackboard, and the assignment website associated with the textbook, we use Turnitin each semester for our final project, and I usually include a variety of other options in the course, depending on the semester and the students’ preferences. Last fall we started using, a face-to-face online chat program for language learners (Facebook meets Skype, I guess you could say), and Instagram. We have also used Tumblr, WordPress, Flickr and Youtube and Vimeo. I have not yet figured out a good way to integrate Twitter into my classes.

The project I would like to develop in the Summer Institute would help us transition from a traditional final paper in SPA IV (202) to a more multi-media product. In this semester-long assignment, the students read a number of short stories and research a particular literary element or feature found in those stories, as well as information about the author(s) and the literary criticism of their work. I would like to know more about ways to include images, video and audio in this project, so that it would be something like an online portfolio, and perhaps tie it in to one of the students’ oral presentations. I am not sure how this would interface with Turnitin, or what implications there might be for evaluating the project. Thank you for this opportunity.

Chris Feikes -The Writing Program
My goal for this semester is to streamline how students navigate the lower-division writing curriculum in my courses, in particular through a new type of course calendar. Simply, I hope to present everything for students “in one place” with some functionality not available via Blackboard/Expressions. In order to accomplish this, I’m anticipating that I will need to create my first course website, in which the entry point will be a launch-pad calendar, from which students (through links) can find and access course materials, do various kinds of work, and post. The calendar will link to readings, assignments, peer-editing, internet materials and applications, and public/interactive writing tasks (pairs, groups, myself). There’s simply a lot to navigate during a writing/research course, and ideally students will have everything organized, accessible, use-able and post-able from one online calendar which links out to course materials and activities.

I’m looking forward to learning what’s on offer and working with everyone in the group.

Katie Cadwell - Biomedical and Chemical Engineering
Currently I have a partially-flipped format for one of my lecture courses, and I use Blackboard with several of its features (esp. Assignments & TurnItIn to provide direct feedback to individuals and Groups in lab courses).

This summer I would like to accomplish several goals re: technology in my classroom. First, I’d just like to learn more about better ways to use and organize Blackboard, since I already use it extensively but perhaps not to its best advantage. I’d also like to look into different ways to deliver out-ot-class content for the chemical engineering lecture course I’ve already flipped; currently I rely solely on “playable PDF’s” created via smartpen. My final and primary goal is to explore ways to provide more practice and more immediate feedback for my other lecture course, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics 1 (CEN 252), without significantly increasing my grading responsibility/time. I’d like to look at different ways to prepare and deliver online homework and quiz assignments in particular.

Bruce Carter - Child and Family Studies
I’ve been teaching an introductory course in child development for over 30 years and recently began to teach the course in an online format. I would like to learn to use online resources more effectively both in the online and the in-class version of this course. I’m hoping to learn techniques (for the in-person class) that will be useful in flipping my classroom so that I do less didactic teaching and can have time for more discussion in my classes (that often are 100 or more students) while insuring that the students are learning the material in the course.

Barbara Fought - Broadcast Journalism
This week I’d like to learn new techniques and technologies to help me develop some “flip the classroom” units for one of the law classes. I have learned so much from OLS staff, that I’m always eager to attend anything they plan.
Marion Dorfer - Design
Over the years the DES 306 Digital Design Techniques II course has evolved to become a completely digital class. The entire course delivery is electronic except for the in-person lectures and presentations of creative processes and techniques. I have found that teaching a computer class in a warm and fuzzy computer lab with the lights low, and a voice in the background spewing out information, students start to phase out after 2 hours of instruction, even with a break. Their eyes glaze over, they lose focus and some even fall asleep, no one has started to snore yet. I have never participated in any opportunity for faculty that focuses solely on the use of technology for the development of on-line courses. I am familiar with what is and what could be, but really have no clue where or how to begin or how the different tools are integrated to provide an educational experience for students that is just as useful as a face-to-face experience. I have a desire to learn as much as I can about everything involved in this area from those who have been in the trenches.
Melissa Pepling - Biology
The two main undergraduate courses I teach are Bio 503, Developmental Biology and Bio 425, Lab in Cell and Developmental Biology. My project goals are to learn how incorporate more technology into the classroom, to learn how to flip my Developmental Biology class and to learn the skills necessary so that this course could be offered online in the future.
Jean-Francois Bedard - Architecture
During the week at SITETL, I would like to re-conceptualize the first-year history survey in architectural history, “Introduction to the History of Architecture: from the Origins to the Renaissance.” I am particularly interested in tackling the challenges resulting from a shift in instruction from in-class information delivery to student-centered learning in the context of a large survey class taken by up to 130 students. I intend to explore the possibilities afforded by the flipped classroom model and learn from colleagues about the advantages (and limitations) of captured lectures and social media platforms.
Margaret Harding - Law
For my project, I would like to explore flipping a small part of my Civil Procedure class. Specifically, I would like to make videos that provide instruction to students on the various rules of discovery that students can access outside the classroom and use the in class time to engage the students in an active learning exercise that will require them to apply the rules they have learned to a hypothetical fact pattern. While I am not sure how best to construct the videos, I would like to explore using voice overs to accompany slides that detail the specifics of each of the rules of discovery. I would also like to learn how to incorporate videos into those slides. To ensure that students have learned the basic rules, I would like to use ResponseWare to quiz them before they begin the simulated exercise.
Constance Dickey - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Heretofore, technology has primarily been a tool to facilitate teaching and coordinating of lower-level French courses: Blackboard for efficient dissemination of documents, videos, and information to students across multiple sections; PowerPoints, videos, Internet sites, to vary the format of in-class presentations and activities. During the workshop, I am looking to discover as many ways as possible by which I can “flip” aspects of lower-level language classes such that students can learn about language (French & English!) more outside the classroom than in it. This, I hope, will free up more class time for using French in “real-world” contexts. Two specific goals I have are (1) to learn how to “capture a lecture”, and (2) how to integrate a video into a document on Blackboard—so students who look at a written document that explains a grammar point, for example, can access an embedded video that will help them get the most out of the written text. It would be great if it were possible to make both of these things interactive—requiring the students to respond and verify their comprehension along the way!
Paul Hagenloh - Citizenship and Civic Engagement
For this workshop, I’d like to focus mostly on the first of the three “core” courses for the major: MAX 301, Seminar in Citizenship, Justice, and Ethics (sophomores). Half of this course is a standard seminar: readings, discussion, papers on the topic of civic participation and democracy in the modern world. The other half is a “community placement,” in which each student take a position in a local governmental, NGO, or private agency that focuses on a particular policy issue that interests her or him (for example, Interfaith Works, Save the Rain, the Institute for Veterans and Military Families, Home Headquarters, etc.). This is not precisely an “internship,” in that the agencies agree to help the student understand the broader issues they face, by involving the students in planning, board meetings, grant writing, reporting etc. as well as direct service.

The key is that these two halves of the course support each other: students bring the community experience back to the classroom, exchange their impressions in memorandum form, discuss, evaluate each other’s experiences and performance, and connect these experiences in local democracy to the readings we do in the seminar.

My goal, in short, is to think creatively about how technology can improve the connection between off-campus (experiential) and on-campus learning, and to begin to implement some strategies for doing so in MAX 301. This is a new course (taught for the first time in AY 2013/14) and will be offered every semester hereafter, so there is ample room for experimentation. I’m interested in the Google tools suite, video conferencing, computer use in the classroom setting (e.g. AppleTV), etc., but even more I’m interested in exploring ways to use technology beyond the standard approaches we already see. I see this goal as pertinent not only to this course but to the entire major as well (the junior- and senior-level courses will also benefit from creative use of technology).

Finally, I also hope to use this workshop to engage in a conversation with colleagues about the value and place of experiential learning overall at Maxwell and at Syracuse University, and about ways to use technology to help connect off-campus and on-campus experiences. Students at SU are awash in “experiential learning” opportunities, but to be frank it’s not always clear to them how those experiences connect directly to the academic goals, especially in the context of a specific course or major. Experiential learning is (and has been for decades) a hallmark of many programs in Maxwell, especially at the graduate level (MPA, Public Diplomacy MAIR/MPA, etc.) but has not been addressed in a coordinated way at the undergraduate level. I’d like to think about ways to integrate it more successfully into the academic experience as well as the career track that our students pursue.

Dennis Harrod - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
My project is still pretty general, i.e. incorporating technology into our courses so that we can devote class time to using the language rather than learning about the language. I hope to be able to incorporate the various aspects of technology available into a coherent plan that allows students to practice the more routine aspects on their own time and also allows them to communicate with each other and their instructors more efficiently. I have a Facebook account but am still baffled by it. That’s it for my social media experience.
Cora True-Frost - Law
During our session, I look forward to learning the skills to support my endeavor to flip a class in Criminal Law, a first-year course. I’d also like to gain the technological wherewithal to design and execute frequent quizzes in the classes I teach, and to track students’ performance on those quizzes.

As a personal footnote, I am a big supporter of the use of technology in the classroom in part because my five year-old son, who is very bright, relies on technology to speak and be mobile because he has quadriplegic cerebral palsy. With technology, anything is possible for my son!

Christopher Perrello - Communication and Rhetorical Studies
The project that I will be focusing on seeks to offer an alternative asynchronous online version of CRS 435 – Interviewing, which is an upper level elective offered in the department of communication and rhetorical studies. The online course will integrate 21st century digital communicative platforms including Blackboard, blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, podcasts, and lecture capture software for a student-centered online learning experience for users.
Bill Jasso - Public Relations
My project is two-fold: to obtain the skills necessary to begin teaching public relations in the online environment, and to involve more interactive technology in my existing classes — especially the Public Relations Management course.
June 2013
Katie Clinton - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
As we well know, our students are incredibly savvy when it comes to technology. The best way to educate our students is to meet them where they are and show that we are invested in their learning. While I utilize many forms of technology in my daily lessons, I know that there are various untapped resources that I have yet to discover. My goal is to learn about as many resources as I can over the course of our week together in order to enrich my teaching and in so doing, improve my students’ learning. More specifically, LLL is offering a new course this summer: SPA 100/200 Spanish Immersion. This course will meet for 8 hours daily over two weeks. I know that in order to maintain my students’ attention and interest, I will need to maximize my use of technology. Not only will this improve my lessons, but students will be able to practice their skills independently, outside of the classroom. I am hopeful that this institute will provide me the tools to do just that.
Amy Criss - Psychology
I’m a member of the Psychology Dept and Area Director for the Cognition, Brain, & Behavior program. In my research, I study human memory by conducting behavioral experiments and by building computational models that mimic human performance.

I am interested in flipping PSY 313 Research Methods so that I can spend less time on lectures in class and more time working on activities.

Kishi Ducre - African American Studies
I’m an Associate Professor in the Department of African American Studies (AAS) in the College of Arts & Sciences. I also the incoming Chair of AAS, starting this Fall semester. AAS is an multidisciplinary department; we have faculty who have been trained in Political Science, History, Literatures, etc. I’m one of the two Sociologists in AAS. My research focuses on environmental justice (EJ) – the pattern of siting and lax enforcement of hazardous industry in, and around poor neighborhood and communities of color. I’ve written about EJ using both quantitative (GIS & spatial analysis) and qualitative methods (Photovoice). I’ve been teaching for nearly a decade, with the last seven years at SU. I’ve slowly incorporated more technology in my teaching. For example, I use Blackboard extensively: I post all or most of class readings online, require students to submit their work via BB, use the gradebook, create groups, and I recently started to use remote clickers in the large introductory class, AAS 112, Introduction to African American Studies.

Last Fall in AAS 112, I initiated an assignment that fell flat. The original assignment is attached. The 127 students were divided into groups of three within their four discussion sections. Each group was randomly assigned an African country to research, design, and post a 3-5 minute video on that country on BB blog. It did NOT go well: some groups were unable to post, sometimes their videos were displayed on the screen, then the next day they were missing, students created their videos in multiple formats. It was such as headache that I nixed plans for the students to view and comment on their peers’ videos. I’d like to try this again, next semester and I hope this course will help me streamline these video blog posts.

Ulrich Englich - Chemistry
For the project during this week I wanted to work on a course that has some main components provided through the web. I have been teaching a course that is comprised of 2 components lecture and laboratory part. We have tried to provide most of the theory, the lecture part, online while meeting the students in the laboratory and engaging and emphasizing certain aspects in a 4 hour lab setting. I’d like to improve on the ways to better present the online content, how to initiate and engage the students in some discussion or feedback between instructor and students – using blackboard tools – and also how to provide feedback for the students, for them to know where they are at the moment in the course and if and how they meet the expectations. It would be great to see this on a week by week “curve” for both the instructor and the student to identify and address problems when they occur and not lose time until the day before the next exam.Exams online would be another topic, I tried some quizzes, but this is something I’d like to develop so that I can measure student success and at the same token the students can learn/test where they stand and get additional feedback and motivation.
Jeffery Gonda - History
My name is Jeff Gonda and I just completed my first year at SU in the Department of History. My research and teaching focus on the 20th Century with an emphasis on the intersections of race, law, politics, and urban studies. This coming Fall I will be teaching an upper-division lecture course on the Civil Rights Movement and my first graduate course. I have dabbled with integrating technology into my classroom work, but I am hoping to explore what new avenues are available to expand the tools at my disposal. I’m looking forward to a fun and productive week.

My main project for this workshop will be an effort to build a robust online component for my graduate course. As a readings course that is designed to have a strong professional development component, I hope to explore the ways that students can disseminate and peer review their work outside of the classroom. One of our central goals will be to construct a database of information that collaboratively builds the equivalent of a comprehensive reading field.

Lauryn Gouldin - Law
I am excited to participate in the Summer Institute (which I’ve been calling computer camp). I am hoping to focus during our week together on ways to improve and change my Evidence course. I taught Evidence this year with a good mix of legal cases and problems that helped the students figure out how to apply the Federal Rules of Evidence to real courtroom situations. I’d like to make my classroom presentations more dynamic and figure out how best to integrate clickers or similar student response technology (possibly using their cell phones) into the class. (I’m hoping that will keep them engaged and give me instant feedback on areas of confusion.) I would also like to get some ideas for incorporating group projects (in and out of the class) into a large (50+ student) class.
Eric Lui - Civil and Environmental Engineering
I am a faculty member in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering in the L.C. Smith College of Engineering and Computer Science. As an engineering professor, I have tried and used various types of technology instruction in my classroom. However, I have never offered an online course in my 25+ years of tenure at SU! One of the reasons for my reluctance to put an entire course online is I am not sure how effective online teaching is when a course is computationally intensive, or requires students to use a specific piece of software that they may not have access to, or has a demonstration or hands-on component (e.g., a lab section) to it. Nevertheless, with the rapid development of MOOC, perhaps there are ways to circumvent these problems. I am looking forward to getting some useful information from this workshop that could address my concerns or alleviate my uneasiness.

The course I am planning to offer online is ECS 354 – Green Technology and Sustainability. Although the course has an engineering prefix, it is designed not only for engineering students, but students in non-technical majors who have an interest in learning such subjects as energy consumption, climate change and global warming, current and alternative (i.e., renewable) energy sources, new technologies for energy generation/conversion/storage, smart grid, sustainable development, green buildings, LEED standards and certification, green transportation, hybrid and electric vehicles, battery technology, green careers/market/economy, as well as issues related to the political, economic and social aspects of green practices. The syllabus of the course is attached. By putting the course online, I am hoping it will attract students from other universities who have a passion or an open mind for making the necessary lifestyle changes to make this planet a more pleasant environment for everyone to live in.

Moira McDermott - Mathematics
I am an Assistant Professor and Assistant Chair in the Department of Mathematics. My research area is commutative algebra, including characteristic p techniques, tight closure, and Hilbert-Kunz functions. I am also interested in the algebraic aspects of phylogenetics. As a graduate student I was involved with the overhaul of the calculus sequence at the University of Michigan. In many ways the class was partially flipped by the use of group work, group homework, competency based gateway testing, and the use of various active learning techniques. Before coming to Syracuse (to solve a two-body problem), I was on the faculty of three small liberal arts colleges. As I have gotten farther away from graduate school, and especially since coming to SU, my teaching has become more and more traditional. I teach a large lecture course every year and am also the course coordinator for a multisection course at least once a year. Recently I have been involved with the service courses for Engineering, primarily the calculus sequence. I also teach intermediate level courses with a large engineering constituency including Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. I use technology whenever possible and appropriate and would use it more if I taught in smart classrooms more often. I am hoping that the Summer Institute will help me return to my teaching roots and again partially flip a calculus course, this time with the addition of enhanced technology.

The project on which I will be focusing during the Summer Institute is to partially flip the large lecture section of Calculus I for first year engineering students who have seen some calculus before. The overarching goal is to have students gain a more conceptual understanding of the main ideas in calculus in addition to mastering the skills needed in future classes. Moving some of the “content delivery” out of the classroom will allow for more group problem solving and active learning activities in class, as well as more exposure to solving conceptual problems. I will also be investigating ways in which to use technology to provide early warning about at risk students, to facilitate students working together outside of class, to reimagine office hours so they are used sufficiently, and to provide students practice with and feedback on writing solutions and explaining concepts.

Erin Murphy - Foundation
I am a part-time instructor in the Department of Foundations, School of Art and Design. My work is centered on our relationships with the built and natural environment, as it relates to political economy, consumption of material goods, and environmental destruction. In my instruction I work to minimize waste and streamline the dissemination of couse materials. I do this in a studio classroom that has no integrated technology, execpt wifi. Freshman and transfer students fill my rosters, many of these students are suprisingly technologically illiterate. Thus, user freindly platforms to share information online are crucial to student success.

During the workshop I hope to develop a better understanding of technology uses in teaching arts that will support both an existing introductory class and facilitate the development of a social media and arts course. In my introductory three-dimensional design course it is expected that students are fully interacting with technologies largely developed by the instructor and I plan to use the Summer Institute to improve this interaction. The larger project will be to develop a social media and arts course that engages students through direct use of technologies to produce online content as public art.

Mario Ruiz Perez - Education
I would like to find a technology that will assist me in carrying over our in-class discussions and assignments to the online world. I often find that I present a various set of topics that students find engaging, but they remain static after we leave class. The only online presence that I have is Blackboard, which only serves as a delivery method for our classroom readings. Creating an online presence that builds community among students will enhance the learning process and be conducive to the goals outlined in the course. One specific project I would like to make interactive is the final project where students develop an essay that considers how the educational background of their parents/guardians has shaped their own life. Currently, this “family history” project is submitted in paper form, but has great potential of evolving into a multimedia project that can be shared in class and become a group-based project during the semester. My goal is to have students submit this project through various mediums (e.g., video, podcast, webpage, etc.) and potentially have them hosted on the School’s server.
Barbara Stripling - iSchool
I am an Assistant Professor of Practice in the School of Information Studies, where I teach both Library and School Media classes. All School Media classes are delivered online. I also oversee library internships. I came to Syracuse a year and a half ago after a long career in school librarianship and library administration. Most recently, I was Director of School Library Services in New York City. I am President-Elect of the American Library Association and will be inaugurated on July 2. My doctoral research (completed two years ago) was on the use of primary sources during historical inquiry and the impact on the development of empathy. My areas of research and study revolve around K-12 education and librarianship and focus on inquiry, literacy, authentic assessment, information fluency, the use of technology, and school library programs.

My focus during this Summer Institute is on a course that I teach called “Literacy Through School Libraries.” I plan to revise the course extensively this summer to make it more interactive and engaging. I hope to design the course so that it is constructivist, but with enough guidance that my students push themselves to create projects that are authentic and prepare them for their careers in school librarianship. The course design must be flexible so that, when I teach the course face-to-face in New York City, I will be able to adapt the course to that environment. At the current time, I use video, PPT, and the Discussion Board as my main tools. I am hoping to expand my delivery toolbox so that I can create a conversational, engaging online learning environment.

Evan Weismann - Public Health
I applied to the Summer Institute in search of tools and techniques to foster better student engagement, to augment my traditional teaching methods, and to provide students with an opportunity to share work. I seek formal training in use of technology in my teaching so that I can develop approaches that do not diminish my goals as an educator (e.g., the development of critical thinking and strong communication skills) but instead support them. I worry about what I see as potential pitfalls of new technologies in teaching but am also cognizant of the great possibilities that could come from informed and deliberate use of these technologies. The project I plan to develop during the Summer Institute is for a new course in the emerging food studies program (FST 402: Feeding the City: Urban Food Systems). Students in this course complete semester-long case study research projects whereby they analyze a program, policy, plan, or organization working to improve an urban food system through a specific intervention. These projects take the form of a traditional term paper and classroom presentation. Through the Summer Institute I will transform the final project of FST 402 from simple paper and classroom presentation to online public writing that is disseminated to relevant constituencies and connected to online food communities.
Jason Wiles - Biology
Flipping intro. bio.
Jamie Winders - Geography
At the moment, GEO 272 is run in a fairly traditional way – two lectures each week by me and a discussion led by a teaching assistant. I use Powerpoint in each lecture and use Blackboard to update students on approaching deadlines, etc. I incorporate a great deal about online cultures in my lectures (memes, research on social media, etc.), but my course doesn’t currently have a substantial online presence. I would like to explore ways that I can create a greater online presence for this course. I am currently contracted with Wiley to write an introductory text in cultural geography – a book that can be used in a course such as GEO 272. Wiley has asked me to design supplemental web-based material for the book. T his website would be a teaching tool for anyone using this book. I would like to begin the process of creating that material this summer, as I draft out the book, and use that web-based material in the fall, when I again teach GEO 272 and test the chapters I have written. Specifically, I would like to create a web presence for this course and design more effective exercises that allow students to create multi-media projects for the course. I would also like to explore more effective ways to use social media in my class. I have toyed with twitter in the classroom and have thought about blogging. Both would work especially well with this class, since large portions of it ask students to think about the workings of culture through the lens of their online lives.
May 2013

Elizabeth Ashby - Economics
I would like to implement the following technologies: * Student Response System—A student response system would give a more practical way to give quizzes and self assessments in large lecture-hall classes. *You Tube Videos/Media—I currently use a few short YouTube videos to demonstrate some of the principles of economics. Students find the videos entertaining and they serve as real-life examples of the principles students are learning in the class. I would like to use more videos and media in the course. *Social networking—I want to create a learning community among students, where students can form study groups and help one another with homework and the course material. * Blackboard— I currently use blackboard to distribute course materials and record grades. I would like to learn more about the various features of blackboard and ways I can incorporate these features into my course. In addition, I am the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Economics. I can share the knowledge I gain in the Summer Institute for Technology with others in my department as they develop online and face-to-face courses.
Shena Ashley - Public Administration and International Affairs
This course has a 5-7 written plans that the students develop in teams, I’d like to integrate technology to help this process by using platforms that will allow the students to jointly and actively develop these plans. I’d like for most of the discussion and revisions to be done online and captured so students can see a record of the collaborative process as it unfolds over the semester. Online capability for meeting and ongoing discussion will be a big help since the class is a mix of students and professionals and finding suitable meeting times is usually a barrier. I’d also like to work on moving major components of my lectures online in either a video or webinar format so that we can use the class time for applied cases.
Tara Kahan - Chemistry
In Fall 2013 I will be teaching a physical chemistry laboratory for the first time. I have been tasked with restructuring this course to make it more streamlined, which should solve several current issues including student confusion and performance, and TA and instructor workload. A major component of this restructuring will be putting the lecture component of the course online so that students can access lectures in the week before they perform the corresponding laboratory experiment. I would also like to introduce pre-laboratory questions for each experiment that students will access and submit online. I believe that these changes will improve this course significantly, and I’m looking forward to obtaining the knowledge necessary to implement these ideas.
Jeffery Karson - Earth Sciences
I would use this experience as a first step in building an online class focusing on the Syracuse Lava Project. We have a very large amount of existing still and video images including documentation of unique large-scale lava flow experiments done on the SU campus. (see
Romita Ray Kapoor - Art and Music History
I am redesigning my International Relations course for the first time in a decade. While I have been using Blackboard for a long time, I find some of its functions clunky and am curious to learn about other options (either through a better understanding of Blackboard as it has evolved or other media tools). Mainly I am seeking ways to foster student engagement, and supplement the textbook, without undermining some of my traditional teaching goals (such as improving writing skills).
Johanna Keller - Arts Journalism
I’m very pleased to be participating in this workshop, as I have had an abiding interest in the development of low-residency curricula, particularly on the graduate and executive education levels, facilitated by new technologies. I feel the need for this is pressing. As we all know, the bubble is popping in higher education and the next few years will bring about some pain and change; we need to move fast and strategically. Can we leverage the resources and talents at this university to deliver more education, perhaps at a lower cost? The digital revolution that has transformed the media industry and the way it delivers information is only just beginning to come to higher ed and it will (finally) profoundly affect the way we deliver education and learning. This will happen fast. I’d rather be ahead of that curve than behind it. All that said, in addition to using new technologies to help figure out low-residency lower-cost educational models for the future, I’m also interested in helping to expand online course offerings for such projects as the new New York Semester that Newhouse is undertaking on the undergraduate level, as well as personally gaining new skills that would enhance my classroom teaching and enrich the way we deliver various forms of skill and knowledge to the arts journalists.
Emily Luther - The Writing Program
I have been experimenting with various digital and online tools in my writing classes for a few semesters, which has led to rich experiences and challenges. I will echo the concerns that some of you mentioned; I am very interested in keeping up with the latest technological trends in order to offer a cutting-edge education to my (our) students, maintaining student engagement and interest in class and at home, using online and digital tools to provide MORE content or more FLEXIBLE content, and improving students’ digital literacy.

My project for the week will be polishing my WRT 205 curriculum. In my current curriculum students design and maintain their own blogs, create digital compositions, use a plethora of online media for research, and collaborate digitally both during class and at home. I hope to streamline the entire curriculum by exploring the possibilities of the digital tools I am currently using, and some tools that are new to me. I look forward to working with everyone next week & discussing the many philosophical and practical concerns of this work.

Stephen Meyer - Art and Music History
Although I use a variety of different technologies in order to present my material, I am still essentially following the model of the lecture course. Instead of “outlawing” web browsing and social media, I would like to find ways of using these modes of interaction and communication to serve instructional goals. I am seeking ways to use technology in order to make the course more interactive.
Ulf Oesterle - Setnor School of Music
I currently teach MUI 205 and MUI 206 on campus. These are two core courses for Bandier undergraduates. We will be rolling out a graduate course (RAE 601) that combines the 205 and 206 material and increases the rigor. As part of this process, we are also considering offering a course combining material from MUI 205/206 for students nationwide, via our remote campuses or for non-SU students via University College. T he move to online education in the music industry is one that we are seeing now and I want to be sure that we are competing in that area with our peer institutions as well as the free options available. In addition, I’d love to add more tech elements to the classes while I teach them in person on campus.
Milena Petrova - Finance
I am looking to find new ways to effectively move some of my instruction for FIN256 (Corporation Finance) online as well as to become more effective online teacher. FIN256 is an introductory required finance class, which is integrated with a Capstone simulation game. Unfortunately, due to the simulation game, the teaching time for this course is reduced by 4 weeks, in addition to the time, given up in the rest of the classes, to discuss the game and decisions related to the game. Therefore, a need exists to move some of the instruction online and use the class time to focus on discussion and practicing solving problems. In addition, I’ve been teaching in the iMBA program (MBC633 Managerial Finance) and one of my challenges has been to motivate the students, as well as increase their level of participation. Therefore, I also hope to learn how to make my presentations more interactive through use of media, integrated videos or new technologies (Prezi) and how to use technology to involve and motivate students when teaching online. Finally, I am eager to learn about new technologies and pedagogies to support online teaching.
Sarah Pralle - Political Science
I would like more of the information of the course to be delivered through technology so that class time can be used for discussion, debate, and further delving into the topic. I’d like the students to explore inequality in the U.S., for example, using technologies outside of the classroom and then using that knowledge in class. I’d like the students to share ideas and responses to readings through technologies which I can then draw on during class time.
Melody Sweet - Biology
Currently my students listen to me lecture on the current cell physiology models and we have little time to go over the original experiments in the original scientific articles. I would like the students to read and discuss some original journal articles in greater depth. I would like to present some of the background materials on line so I have time to discuss the classic experiments, in detail in class.
Corey Takahashi - Magazine
I’d like to use the strategies from this program to come up with innovative ways of checking and testing individual technical skills more thoroughly and consistently throughout the semester, beyond the students’ major team projects and quizzes. In addition, I’d like to brainstorm more non-distracting methods for integrating social media into class, particularly the use of social video platforms and digital video communities. The SITETL lessons will directly influence the revisions I’m making to my lessons and syllabi this fall, and in the future. I am eager to learn from the instructors, as well as my terrific colleagues in the program.
Tomoko Walter - Japanese
I’d like to learn how to use a drawing program, a video capture and screen capture program in order to create more effective instruction material, and practice for my students. I also need to learn more about on-line quizzes and online video or voice recording for context based situation instruction and listening practice.
Yang Wang - iSchool
I plan to try flip this course by posting informational videos before the lectures and use the lecture time to do individual or group-based exercises. The idea is to significantly reduce or eliminate traditional PowerPoint presentations by the instructor. Also social media services will be used such as Twitter for class announcement and continuous discussion, and Google Hangout for geographically distributed, synchronous class discussion.
Kathy Vander Werff - Communication Sciences and Disorders
Toward these goals, I would like to develop tools that allowed me to be more interactive during in-class lectures. I am interested in technology that allowed me to demonstrate a calculation or draw a circuit in real time and have this content available to them for later review. I would also like to develop some on-line background lectures and content that students could view outside of class so that I could spend lecture time on questions, lab demonstrations and application rather than reviewing the basics. . I have found that the textbooks I have used for this class are not adequate and students do not like them, and this type of content could help provide more information than I’m able to during class lecture alone. If possible, it would be great if this content could be somewhat individualized or interactive so that students who need more help are provided more and those who are comfortable can demonstrate that they have achieved competence. Student response systems would also encourage all students to participate in solving problems and not feeling too afraid to offer the answer or relying on someone else to answer. Finally, I typically have in-class lab assignments for practice with basic electrical circuits. Having enough equipment and time to complete these labs is a challenge and I would like to try to replace some of this with virtual labs or be able to do the lab together by being able to project images and use multimedia presentation in the classroom.
Dessa Bergen-Cico - Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition
The online course I am developing is intended to serve two purposes for two audiences: 1.) credit bearing online course for graduate and undergraduate students; and 2.) a self-guided asynchronous online program/intervention for research and evaluation. For purposes of the credit bearing graduate and undergraduate course the student learning goals and objectives are as follows; at the completion of this course students will be able to : 1. Describe the evidence-based aspects of mindfulness based stress reduction programs and mind-body medicine. 2. Describe the neurological, physiological and psychological basis of stress reactivity as it applies to acute and chronic stress. 3. Explain how cognitive behavioral strategies and mindfulness-based practice can reduce the negative effects of PTSD, stress, anxiety, and depression. 4. Compare mindfulness-based practices and their appropriate use in a variety of settings. 5. Describe the uses and techniques of mindfulness meditation, body scan, and de-escalation mind-body strategies. 6. Critically review clinical trials and non-clinical research on meditation, mindfulness and related body-mind therapies. 7. Develop a personal practice through a program of mindfulness based stress reduction strategies to maintain their personal, physical and mental health. These objectives will be achieved through a combination of learning strategies including: Assigned readings with interactive online reading comprehension questions. Viewing of instructional videos developed by the professor. Viewing of select online third party videos coupled with response writings. Viewing of online multimedia lectures recorded by the professor followed by understanding and comprehension questions. Weekly participation in guided meditation practice and somatic scanning practice using audio files. Submission of weekly reflective journals describing their personal practice and insights. Submission of weekly home practice logs for assigned self-guided meditation and somatic scan exercises. Students will need to be able to download audio files for personal practice.
Kay Bruening - Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition
Tanya Horacek - Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition
For the fall 2012 semester, I need to teach the first few weeks of this class via a self-paced, online format. Putting a portion of the class in an online format can expand the self assessment options, the accessibility of the video modules, and the opportunities for self paced learning. I would like to develop opportunities for them to be able “practice” some of their basic skills online that contribution to their overall effectiveness as a nutrition consultant. Automating client intake forms would also expedite the client recruitment and pairing process.
Tazim Kassam - Religion
Audie Klotz - Political Science
I am redesigning my Introduction to International Relations course for the first time in a decade. While I have been using Blackboard for a long time, I find some of its functions clunky and am curious to learn about other options (either through a better understanding of Blackboard as it has evolved or other media tools). Mainly I am seeking ways to foster student engagement, and supplement the textbook, without undermining some of my traditional teaching goals (such as improving writing skills).
Jonathan Massey - Architecture
During and after the institute I plan to develop new assignments and teaching methods for two lecture courses I will teach this fall. One is ARC134, an architectural history survey with 130 second-year undergraduates meeting twice per week for lecture and once per week in section. The other is ARC337, a history elective with 30-40 students meeting twice per week in lecture. In the past I have given Powerpoint lectures during class, with students in the large course completing exams, short essays, posters, and one or two short course papers. Students in my midsize courses have completed a semester-long case study research project through a series of small assignments that build into a large dossier and term paper, and I build in poster sessions and field trips. I have used Blackboard extensively to deliver readings and lecture materials as well as to collect student work and enable peer-to-peer review of student work. For this fall I hope to set aside some lecture time for more active learning and expand the role of and venues for peer-to-peer learning. I also plan to introduce writing-in-public using multiple online genres.
Laurel Morton - Design/Fashion
This project responds to recent fashion design curriculum changes and industry advances; it will update our current patternmaking instruction to include technology earlier and at a faster pace, provide a platform for online learning/grading and expose students to current industry Product Data Management concepts. Our FAS 341: Optitex Pattern software course has been eliminated and that computer content will be merged into the patternmaking instruction of FAS 222/223: Fashion Skills and Techniques III and IV. Using Blackboard to clearly present assignments, collect and organize completed patterns, promote team projects and initiate more peer assessment will make it possible to keep as much of the conceptual and tactile learning intact.
Georgette Nicolaides - Statistical Practice
I am overhauling my hybrid MBA stats course. I’d like to have more of a presence in the course. Also, the topic is stressful in any classroom and I am interested in creating an environment that increases the students’ self-efficacy. I’d also like to maximize my use of Blackboard’s Web 2.0 tools.
Michael Schoonmaker - Television, Radio, and Film
This would be a two-phase distance education course (Fall and Spring semesters) working online with teachers in their respective educational environments to conceive, write and produce a media production project specially tailored for their students and learning outcomes.
M. Emma Ticio - Spanish
To develop and implement a strong electronic component for SPA 435/635: Spanish Phonetics and Phonology. This course is offered regularly and provides the students with fundamental background in Spanish phonetics and phonology. The electronic component will complement the face to face meetings, and allow me to monitor each student’s progress. The electronic component will consist of sound files with samples of different sounds (along with detailed phonetic instructions), online exercises to practice the new skills and solidify their knowledge, and quiz/exams online. The use of technologies in this particular course will enable me to give a much more with individualized attention to the students, which is not possible in a face-to-face course with 25 students.
Louise Wilkinson - Reading and Language Arts
I will transform this face-to-face course (ELL 645) into an online and hybrid course. The course is required for our masters degree in English as a Second Language; in addition, educators who are not enrolled in this program take the course. Materials include case materials, lectures, poster sessions, and online resources. Assignments (in-class & outside of class) require student collaboration, such as peer coaching, critical reviewers, and dyadic/small group activities. Newly available (to me) technologies could enhance and facilitate these interactions so that it is optimally interactive, thus facilitating student learning.
Natarajan Balasubramanian - Management
I want to get more technology into a sophomore/junior level course on strategic management. Usually, I deliver lectures on the theoretical aspects of the subject and use some case studies and discussions to illustrate applications as well as to engage students in critical thinking about the subject matter. Though this approach has its benefits, it often does get dry and student engagement diminishes. Though I expect these to change as I learn at the Summer Institute, broadly, I would like to motivate students to discuss online outside of class hours, especially about case studies and any recent events in the news. I hope to then leverage these discussions to cover greater ground, and have more intense debates during class time. Also, I would like to learn ways of moving some of the instruction online. Not only will this free more class time but it will also hopefully allow students to access these materials at a later point during the course, if needed.
Lynn Bran - Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition
I plan to develop an online version of NSD 225: Nutrition in Health. I teach this course for nutrition majors in the spring semesters and for non-majors in the first summer session. I would like to try teaching it exclusively online next summer. I am also interested in learning about other methods for incorporating technology to enhance my other courses.
Amanda Brown - Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
During the SITETL, I will be planning an online version of LIN 421/621, Introduction to Methods for Language Teaching, a required course for the new CAS in Language Teaching: TESOL/TLOTE. Not only will the course be fully online, but it will be held on a non-traditional, three-week intensive schedule at the end of the 2012 summer session. This schedule ran very successfully last year in a hybrid-online format, using new resources such as the Ensemble video streaming server and the inclusion of one remote participant joining synchronously from Iceland. This year, we will take it to the next level, enabling primarily asynchronous participation from all course participants.
Santee Fraizer - The Writing Program
Throughout the course of the 2011-12 academic year I conducted a paperless classroom, not really for the purposes of saving the environment, but to make information for my students readily available. Using Blackboard, apps, and Adobe Creative Suite, I sought to design course material that was intuitive and challenging. It is my hope to become more proficient in using Blackboard and create a more collective & extensive web experience for my students. I also want to find new ways to present content via Web 2.0 applications.
Ian Gallacher - Legal Communication and Research
In the law school, our ability to offer distance learning options is drastically limited by the ABA. But I’m interested in learning as much about distance learning technology as possible because I think there’s a tremendous opportunity for bringing prospective law students and also alumni to Syracuse for programming directed at them using technology rather than having them physically travel to the law school. I’m also interested in learning how I can incorporate technology as effectively as possible into our traditional law school classes.
Renee Franklin Hill - School Library Media Profession
This coming fall I will teach an online course titled Library Services to Students with Disabilities. The purpose of the course is to increase the level of pre-service librarians’ understanding of the library and information needs of K-12th grade students with disabilities. Through the Summer Institute, I hope to learn strategies for: 1. Creating a strong sense of community among my students. 2. Effectively utilizing a number of the interactive functions available through Blackboard. 3. Creating and presenting innovative content for the course.
Jeffery Jackson - The Writing Program
This past semester I began using Google Docs in the classroom as a way collaborate in real-time. I also used live tweets in the classroom. For my writing classes this fall I want to incorporate Google Plus (G+) into the class as a way to integrate online writing, real-time collaboration with Docs, and increases class participation via G+ as tools to help students increase participation with and understanding of class material. One of the goals is to push students past the traditional research paper model in order to embrace writing in the 21st century while still using the proven conventions of solid academic writing.
Lisa Manning - Physics
I have been given a new teaching assignment for Phys 211 (Introductory Physics for Scientists and Engineers). I would be interested in learning how to 1) create an online student community for learning and 2) possibly moving some of the content delivery for the class online and making more time in the face-to-face class for other techniques. In particular, I am interested in implementing some of the “Just-in-time-teaching” (JITT) concepts, which use web delivery of content and evaluations just before a class is taught, so that students are “prepped” to have a more interactive learning experience in the classroom. Education research has suggested that JITT is useful for increasing student retention, and I’m especially interested in using these technologies (i.e. online communities and JITT) to retain women and under-represented minorities in physics classrooms.
Mathew Maye - Chemistry
I hope to learn some tips on how to create a better web presence for my lectures. Each semester I either teach a graduate level course (15-30 students) or an undergraduate course (150-200 students). At the moment, all lecture materials are placed on blackboard, but nothing is interactive in any way.
Jon Nissenbaum - Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
Sudha Raj - Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition
This Fall I will be teaching an introductory course in Nutrition to graduate students. The focus is on introducing several nutrition concepts to the students. Through the Summer Institute course I plan to develop some lectures in an online format with the following in mind- perhaps to develop an online course in the future and in the event I am attending a conference or workshop I will be able to keep my class schedule for the students. I would also like to learn to show videos, and have guest lectures via webconferencing.
Bruce Strong - Multimedia, Photography, and Design
As a new department chair, I am looking to learn about new tools, best practices and potential online opportunities for the Multimedia Photography & Design department’s faculty in Newhouse as well as for my own classes.